Fensport 4age superchip
01-23-2009, 05:01 PM
Post: #1
Fensport 4age superchip
bought a used, good conditioned fensport superchip maybe one year ago from a guy in germany. Now i thought, i could install it for the coming spring. But i got no wiringdiagramm. I wrote a mail to fensport but there was no answer.

So does someone has a wiringdiagramm of the chip?

Thanks for your help!
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01-23-2009, 06:41 PM
Post: #2
Fensport 4age superchip
I thought that the superchip was plug&play, wasnt it?

**COROLLA EE80 - 4AGE 124HP**
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Fensport 4age superchip]
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01-23-2009, 11:25 PM
Post: #3
Fensport 4age superchip
Superchips I.C.O.N Race programming lead
Version francaise ici
I bought a car a while ago equipped with the Superchips ICON race programmable ignition module. Unfortunately is was not installed correctly due to wrong indications from the manufacturer.
As from then, i decided to look in depth as to how it works in order to install it correctly.
Here are the wire colours and where they should be connected :

Yellow and black dotted wire : Input 1

Orange and black dotted wire : Input 2 (for use with twin coiled ignition)

Yellow : Output Coil 1

Orange : Output Coil 2

Red : 12 volt power supply (switched)

Black : Ground

I was suspicious about the diameter of the output wires, however this is correct, the thicker black dotted wires are inputs.

Once the module wired up it is necessary to program the module to your needs.

To achieve this you will need the suited software (Download here) and

An analogue brain in a digital World
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01-25-2009, 01:31 PM
Post: #4
Fensport 4age superchip
@totta crolla

thanks a lot for your informations.
The wires color are exactly how u explained. Ill try to install it soon!

"Once the module wired up it is necessary to program the module to your needs.

To achieve this you will need the suited software (Download here) and"

Do u really talk about the same chip like me? So how im able to programm it? There is nothing to plug in at the chip.

[img name=]http://www.aeu86.org/files/cc/ccf24012009_00007_117.jpg[/img]
Fensport text:
Reprogrammes your engines Ignition Advance Curve giving approximately 8 BHP increase at 4,500rpm. Improved Power/Torque and throttle response From 3,000rpm, Easily fitted into wiring loom just ahead of ecu.

How do i wire it up to the ecu? If there is still the plug of the harness.

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01-26-2009, 11:17 PM
Post: #5
Fensport 4age superchip
The Superchip Icon Race unit you have can be re-programmed using the software available here:
this download may not work however.
If not you can contact Superchips in the U.K and the software should be available free directly from them.
You will find the programming port and some LED indicators inside the unit, just take off the cover (four screws)
You will also need need the programming lead, again available from Superchips. £25 when I last enquired.

An analogue brain in a digital World
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01-26-2009, 11:43 PM
Post: #6
Fensport 4age superchip

sorry for the question, but does this Superchip really works?

Do you think it's worth the money?


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01-27-2009, 12:05 AM
Post: #7
Fensport 4age superchip
rs1800 Wrote:Hello,

sorry for the question, but does this Superchip really works?

Do you think it's worth the money?


Probably not worth buying new to be honest but used ones do come up for sale fairly often and most sellers don't realise different maps are easily available to suit different engines. Mine was originally fitted to a 3SGE, I just re-mapped it to suit a 4AGE using the software linked as above.

An analogue brain in a digital World
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01-27-2009, 09:09 AM
Post: #8
Fensport 4age superchip
@totta Crolla

thanks again for your post! You really help me to solve my problem!

Now i almost know, what i have to do. I sent a mail to superchip.uk and asked the for a software and lead. The seller where i bought it told me, its for a 4age, maybe its aready programmed for this engine. Ill see it if i get an answer of superchip.uk
Actually wires and looms are totally not my thing. So please excuse my dumb questions! Im still wondering, how i plug the superchip to the ecu? Wiringharnessplugs are closed on the back so i cant go thru the plug. right? Do i need some plugs or how does it works?
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01-27-2009, 09:47 PM
Post: #9
Fensport 4age superchip
O.K Roadrunner, the plug inside the unit is just for programming so it's not needed to actually fit to the car.
Basically the wires coming out of the unit are what you use.
Take the coil + wire off of your coil and attach it to the yellow / black wire and attach the yellow wire to the coil + connection. Red wire is used to power the unit (12v) and the black wire goes to earth. That's it really.
There is a way to check operation of the unit via the internal led's.
Superchips should confirm the checking operation and tell you how it works.

An analogue brain in a digital World
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01-28-2009, 12:57 AM
Post: #10
Fensport 4age superchip
Now i got it...! Thumbs up!

So i should place it next to the coil somewhere.
I think its aready programmed for the 4age.

[img name=]http://www.aeu86.org/files/tn/tn_dsc02007_307.jpg[/img]

Thanks again for your help!! I really appreciate that!

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