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Offtopic discussion 1
03-10-2009, 12:13 AM
Post: #1
Offtopic discussion 1 Wrote:Ok improvedae86 all s series rear ends are the same or they are different. We are using a s14 rear end its staying that way

Nobody is asking you to change it , just don't go staying something will be superior for everyone to use with all the facts . Luckly other member's of this forum can now attain the fact's on the S14 and choose if they want or don't want to use it over the other models due to people's input. Wrote:This car is obviously wider than stock so the 10mm extra track wont cause too much drama, also we have the front wider than the rear

Don't want to add any information once again Respect! anyone will be able looking at the picture's and parts used in the front end to work out that actual track and not wheel track would be less at the front. Just adding larger offset wheel's does do what for the S series rear roll center vs front roll center. It doesn't much to figure out the S14 actual front track is 10mm wider and massively wider that a AE86 front end with a few bolt on's. Wrote:maybe you should have helped those guys after they spent all that money?

Those guy's as you call them where as normal a workshop coming onto many forum bragging about there work. From memory what really made people laugh was there thread title "THE BEST AE86" Respect! apart from maybe being close to "must see" there is more than that in common here.
Normally high end workshop or company's don't bother themself's with the internet. The history of that guy simple : morgage house to pay for car , build car telling everyone how good it was going to be , take car out and everyone find's it's a unrelible pile of crap that nobody can drive , look stupid loose business drop off the face of the earth , crash a customer's car after a rally , after not paying for the car do a runner interstate and never been seen again. I the business over here these people are normally nick named leaser's , as there only in business for the term of there short lease. The come and go jumping on whatever new band wagon the poor kid's want , alot have come and gone relating to drift in year's here and now that the huge is over and the sport is dead i guess we won't see many new one's starting.

It really make's you wonder why people don't spend more time on running there business than they do on the internet . They alway's offer nothing apart from boasting of themself and never helping other's that there not going to profit from. Wrote:Drift has rules

They must be secret i guess Undecided Wrote:Customers have budgets also which requires some compromise in some areas to get the best overall package for theyre budget

There's a great idea why not get the customer to add to a thread on his car surely he might be able to answer the question's of the people here. It;s a bit like myself or anyone else posting about a vehicle that they didn't make the decisions about , then we have to skate about the question because for all intent we don't know Banging head

[quote=""]This thread is now back on topic, if anybody wants to further discuss s series rear ends please start a new thread/quote]

That's right if you cannot take a discussion on a part of the vehicle { S Series rear end } that you titled "Must See" what is the topic's point ????
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03-10-2009, 12:36 AM
Post: #2
Offtopic discussion 1
The guy asked to keep the topic clean and you just ignored his request.
Moved your comment to the offtopic section.

1983 - AE86 Sprinter Trueno - import project
2013 - Honda Civic sport - daily driver
2004 - AEU86 dot ORG - daily domain

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03-10-2009, 12:47 AM
Post: #3
Offtopic discussion 1
Been around this forum for 2 years, never seen Moderators forced to split 2 topics ON THE SAME WEEK

We were always a peacefull comunity.

improvedae86 you are a real know-it-all dude, lost your credit on australian forums and came all the way here? Hurray!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Offtopic discussion 1]
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03-10-2009, 12:53 AM
Post: #4
Offtopic discussion 1
And the point of splitting information ? does the topic really make sence to anybody now

Maybe re-edit it to contain all the information so it can be more helpful to the peaceful community Thumbs up!

Get that post count up Joony
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03-10-2009, 12:55 AM
Post: #5
Offtopic discussion 1
Also see the ONTOPIC offtopic split whatever topic
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03-10-2009, 11:50 AM
Post: #6
Offtopic discussion 1
I tried many times to keep this a peaceful community and gave you several warnings. You even ignore reading the personal messages we send, so bye bye! Wave
Good luck to your life as well! Thumbs up!

1983 - AE86 Sprinter Trueno - import project
2013 - Honda Civic sport - daily driver
2004 - AEU86 dot ORG - daily domain

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03-11-2009, 01:18 AM
Post: #7
Offtopic discussion 1
banpei Wrote:I tried many times to keep this a peaceful community and gave you several warnings. You even ignore reading the personal messages we send, so bye bye! Wave
Good luck to your life as well! Thumbs up!

Look at you Thumbs up! cannot even follow your own rules Banging head

1. Warnings / Bans
Warning #1: no problem
Warning #2: what kind of Itsuki are you? Be carefull!
Warning #3: You'll get a not-permanent ban.
Warning #4: You'll get a permanent ban.

So where are these warnings ? and would you like to explain how a banned member reads a PM after they are banned Tongue you seemed to jump from point 3 to 4 without even waiting for a reply. Maybe you have communism ideology in that your area of the world. It's not like somebody sit at there computer waiting for a email that they have recieved a PM . Not to even go down the path of email delays with providers. So maybe you should just share with the peaceful this mythical PM or maybe keep suppressing and censoring the site with your views only. Sure it will get boring very fast Hurray!
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03-11-2009, 05:52 AM
Post: #8
Offtopic discussion 1
FearlessAE86 Wrote:... So maybe you should just share with the peaceful this mythical PM or maybe keep suppressing and censoring the site with your views only. Sure it will get boring very fast Hurray!

Mate, read up on the site and check how often we've censored anything and how often we've banned people. In the past 4 years you might find 2 or 3 incidents (not counting any spam posts that we've removed, nobody wants to read about mobile phone scams anyways Tongue )

Heck everyone can still read what an asshole you are because all your posts are still here, albeit the latest ones moved to the offtopic section.

Ok so we skipped a step in banning you, before we went to step 1 we've giving you ample opportunities and giving you ample of suggestions to clean up your act.

And Banpei acting this out on his own? Don't make me laugh, there are 2 admins and about 6 or 7 moderators and a fair amount of normal users involved in the decision to boot you out. We don't take banning lightly and we don't do it unless we really believe its needed.

So I am very sorry for you, but you've brought this on yourself.


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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03-11-2009, 06:52 AM
Post: #9
Offtopic discussion 1
Well done mods, nothing personal improved86,
Its nice to see people like Darren McNamara comming on & posting some nice shit without having to be harassed about the concept behind every nut & bolt. No body minds the odd constructive comments here & there.

An 86 is for Life, not just for Christmas
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03-11-2009, 07:09 AM
Post: #10
Offtopic discussion 1
Read up on the site Big Grin you have to be joking Huh you have a written record of the incident's here Huh and you need how many people to make these huge decision's ? Next will you be asking for a divine judgment from above which to act on.

Even a single celled organisms may be capable thinking and response to it ie decision making , this need for other not to do anything to wait for orders really speaks volume's on your thought's on Banpei's and other's mods/forum god's intelligence. After this you might have to do a restructure of the royal aeu monarchy or chain of command because this subaverage functioning might be your downfall over time Hurray! Maybe that will be writen in the study of the incident's and other historical events somewhere here Evil

" you ample of suggestions to clean up your act " I don't know where you studied the english but what a distinguished sentence. Was this the contained in the secret PM ? I would have to be a primate to understand i guess. Ow sorry asshole as you stoop to a new low.

So I am very sorry for you, but you've brought this on yourself.

Eircamae86 , facts or concepts in the real world ? but keep telling yourself whatever. Others might be sympathetic at nice shit level for a while but others moving forward in the evolution chain will just dismiss such a person as a fool.
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