Poland ae86 Ke70
10-29-2005, 08:56 PM
Post: #11
Poland ae86 Ke70
"Hey Wojtek, great to see you here! One question about the blue coupe "Wojtek?? no My name is Dominik. hahaha darkstar niestety to nie wojtek tylko Dominik kolega WOjtka ktory zajmuje sie Ke i elektryka w ae86 niebieskiej niestety wojtek wprowadzil Cie chyba w maly blad ale dobrze.

KAE70--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJasjMGVd7k

Ae86 daily drift car rebuild
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10-29-2005, 09:25 PM
Post: #12
Poland ae86 Ke70
7age is a frankenstein with 7afe block and 4age head. very good torque in low rpm but redline 7500rpm. I think its good for torbo

KAE70--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJasjMGVd7k

Ae86 daily drift car rebuild
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10-29-2005, 10:01 PM
Post: #13
Poland ae86 Ke70
Przepraszam, jakiś czas temu Wojtek mi wspominał o niebieskiej coupe na 20v i KE70, dlatego pomyślałem że to wopeR. Tak czy siak miło widzieć Smile Będziecie jakoś robić auta w zimie? Też jestem z Warszawy, i sam szukam dla siebie AE... Masz GG? Pozdro!

It seems that I mistook Doktor as our friend, but everything's clear now... I'm lucky to have such guys in my city. Smile

Ahhh, VTEC. All the lag, none of the turbo. It's like waiting for bad sex.
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10-29-2005, 10:11 PM
Post: #14
Poland ae86 Ke70
Doktor, Witam ;-)

Nice to see you here. Always good to have more 'hands-on' people with expierence around.

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Poland ae86 Ke70]
Always remember: Rev it till it blows, then back off a bit...
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10-29-2005, 11:19 PM
Post: #15
Poland ae86 Ke70
The KE has ronal turbo wheels by the way, not renoma...
Those are pretty common in germany.

I like the pics by the way...good old-fashioned cars from the looks of it..

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10-30-2005, 12:37 PM
Post: #16
Poland ae86 Ke70
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Poland ae86 Ke70]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Poland ae86 Ke70]

My bad, they look almost the same... I didn't know that Ronal made wheels like these, they're cool! Thumbs up!

Ahhh, VTEC. All the lag, none of the turbo. It's like waiting for bad sex.
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11-02-2005, 11:32 AM
Post: #17
Poland ae86 Ke70
Welcome. I've found one KE70 2 days ago in Croatia. I think it's diesel!
It would be cool to convert it to 4a-ge.

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11-06-2005, 05:45 PM
Post: #18
Poland ae86 Ke70
I think its good idea. But You must find rear axle from ae86 with lsd(for a lot of fun)

KAE70--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJasjMGVd7k

Ae86 daily drift car rebuild
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11-26-2005, 12:17 PM
Post: #19
Poland ae86 Ke70
new photos ae86 nad ke70

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KAE70--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJasjMGVd7k

Ae86 daily drift car rebuild
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11-26-2005, 04:06 PM
Post: #20
Poland ae86 Ke70
Nice... If only the KE70 was a 2 door sedan you would think they are brother and sister. Big Grin

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[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Poland ae86 Ke70]
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