Poll: What clutch to get (212mm)
Centerforce Dualfriction
Exedy Stage 1
ACT Heavy Duty Street Sprung
SPEC Stage 1
Helix uprated cover & standard clutch
stock 212mm clutch & cover
something else, please post
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What clutch (212mm) to get?
01-18-2013, 05:48 PM
Post: #1
What clutch (212mm) to get?
So I'd like to get some input. I'll be going on holiday in March and want use the opportunity to buy a new clutch & cover for my new engine.
I already have a light flywheel so ORC etc is a no go.
I hope to put out ~190hp @fly and the clutch will definately be abused (clutchkicks etc).
So I have above options in mind but not sure which to go for (links in no particular order):
[list:c32f49ce54] Centerforce Dualfriction
Exedy Stage 1
ACT TC2-HDSS, alternative link
Helix Uprated Cover with standard disk
OEM Toyota one (no link)[/list:u:c32f49ce54]
Some of the pages need choosing a model - Go for a 2002 Celica GTS 2ZZ-GE (1.8 VVTi)

AE86 ex-daily
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01-18-2013, 08:03 PM
Post: #2
What clutch (212mm) to get?
there is a flaw in the design of most of the clutch covers for the 4AGE engines... The plate is mounted to the sprung section using 3 metal straps. On acceleration, the straps are under tension so there isn't a huge problem... BUT when the stress is the other direction... the straps are under compression... and can... and DO bend! This will toss the entire engine, and drivetrain balance SERIOUSLY out of wack....

*IF* you have the scratch... the OS Giken design is undoubtedly the best out there...

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - What clutch (212mm) to get?]

Dan -

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01-18-2013, 09:08 PM
Post: #3
What clutch (212mm) to get?
how would you rate the illegal garage clutches?
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01-19-2013, 12:24 AM
Post: #4
What clutch (212mm) to get?
oldeskewltoy Wrote:there is a flaw in the design of most of the clutch covers for the 4AGE engines... The plate is mounted to the sprung section using 3 metal straps. On acceleration, the straps are under tension so there isn't a huge problem... BUT when the stress is the other direction... the straps are under compression... and can... and DO bend! This will toss the entire engine, and drivetrain balance SERIOUSLY out of wack....

*IF* you have the scratch... the OS Giken design is undoubtedly the best out there...

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - What clutch (212mm) to get?]

I was thinking about getting the ORC 250 Light setup but that, I just realized, uses a strap as well (but from experience with OS Giken ORC 309 setups they are all very on/off) as it's still street driven I'd like to opt out for a common setup. And I don't want to render my Fidanza flywheel useless now that I have it.
I understand your point and this is why I'm slightly intrigued by the Centerforce setup. It's still uses the strap method but the weights on the pressure plate might lessen the effect slightly - at least at higher rpms.
I never had one before but what I read on the net a lot of user seem to be very content with it.

Also how much of an issue would recon this would really be, considering 90% of all cars use that setup and the fact my internals will be balanced to degree most can only dream of (read single digit µg level)?

Basically I'd like to have something with a sprung disk, acceptable pedal feel (i.e. not rock hard) and compatible with the Fidanza flywheel.

PS: the scratch isn't really an issue - it just means a delay as I put a fixed amount on the side every month to spend on the build/tuning (excluding maintenance). A system I can highly recommend to anyone, especially to the younger crowd (not you Dan Tongue), who's not doing a full restoration - to keep expenses under control.

AE86 ex-daily
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01-19-2013, 12:44 AM
Post: #5
What clutch (212mm) to get?
ditn Wrote:how would you rate the illegal garage clutches?

If this was directed at me - I read about them but never driven or seen one. So no clue at all.

AE86 ex-daily
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01-19-2013, 12:49 AM
Post: #6
What clutch (212mm) to get?
One more addition - the fact why I like the Fidanza flywheel so much is because it uses a replaceable friction plate (which costs less than 50$) - so the wheel doesn't need to be binned completely. OS Giken and ORC rebuild kits are 3-500$, roughly half price of the the whole setup and that doesn't include the flywheel. And no they don't last for ever. 2-3 seasons in the drift car (tuned SR20DET) and it was done for.

AE86 ex-daily
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01-19-2013, 05:43 AM
Post: #7
What clutch (212mm) to get?
Snap, I was also going to ask about the illegal garage ones. Exedy for me is the best value for money & a very tough clutch

An 86 is for Life, not just for Christmas
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01-19-2013, 02:39 PM
Post: #8
What clutch (212mm) to get?
at everyone who knows about the clutches Smile
i researched alot of info on this because like you say clutches are important,
OS Giken are very good but also very expensive Sad
illegal garage is rated as n2 by alot of reviews but i want to be sure,since i would need to order one from the usa
+i need a special clutch for w58 setup
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01-19-2013, 03:49 PM
Post: #9
What clutch (212mm) to get?
Max at Illegal Garage makes the W58 Clutch for a 4AG engine. Think it was 400 USD, without the Flywheel, but with the throughout bearing. The clutch itself was balanced for that price.

I am working on this project myself, Got the W58 Gearbox, and a Custom Bellhouse. Thumbs up!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - What clutch (212mm) to get?]

Restoring my AE86, all the way... Going JDM style Big Grin
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01-21-2013, 10:39 AM
Post: #10
What clutch (212mm) to get?
The Toyota Corolla T Sport clutch fits



The uprated one or standard.

I have the standard one on mine with my fidanza flywheel with no issues.

That model is rated to 225 hp so you should have no issues, although my mate was using a standard SC clutch in his mk1a mr2 SC conversion running around 185 hp with no issues.
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