my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
12-28-2010, 09:41 PM
Post: #1
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
Well, here´s my story.
I bought the Corolla KE35 2 years ago, started to like RWD and started drifting, but the KE35 was not nice to drift (leaf springs, open diff, 55hp)! So I started looking for a car with more power, but it needed to be cheap (I´m a student). I searched for 1/2 year and thats when I heard about a Corolla GT / also known as AE86.Hurray!
I found a nice AE86 in Poland with a few usefull mods for 2300€, but with a little lack of maintenace.
Rust was ok, so I took the opportunity and bought.
Damn again a Toyota, 3rd one in my life...
I left it in the garage for a while and started to raise some funds and make plans....
Thats what they looked like:

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

I had some mayor trouble with the engine, as it was running like crap (high idle, rich, poor trottle response not reving,...).
The only time I got it roadworthy, was prior the engine rebuild and I broke down 130km away from home with a stuffed volltage regulator, all the things above were also present, wich killed most off the fun, but not all of it. I don´t know why I kept driving around in a car like this with a smilon my face...

To solve the problems I bought a complete 100000 engine with g-box loom and all ancillories (400€). I took it appart for a "quick" rebuild this summer.
Its running mint now!

how I bought it:

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]


[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

Huh hiden beauty:

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

current spec list AE86:

Engine/ gearbox:
-rebuild 4A-GE bluetop (0,5 O/S)
-ACL Duraglide conrod bearings
-head ported
-polished valves
-HKS valve springs
-HKS adjustable cam gear
-high compression head (milled to max. :-)
-K&N air-cleaner
-NGK Iridium spark plugs
-Koyo radiator
-2 electric fans
-Cusco catch can
- EXIDE battery
-2,5“ exhaust system from stock U-joint
-OEM clutch
-syncro mesh 4/5th gear stuffed

-shimmed stock LSD (70%)
-crown and pinion bearings stuffed
-colapsed crushed sleeve

-Koni yellow on cut stock springs
-custom coilovers, Koni yellow (left thread stripped/ leaky strut)
-H&R springs
-adjustable top mounts (pillowball left side shaggy)
-Whiteline strutbrace front
-PS- steering arms
-PU bushings at swaybar (front)
-PU bushings on tension rods (front)
-20mm wheelspacers

- 6pt. cage (Heigo?)
-Macrylon rear quarter windows
-GRP bonnet
-CRP/GRF bootlid
-2,5“ 4-pt. OMP harness (driver)
-3pt. OMP harness (co-driver)
-sport steering wheel
-HID 4000K kit
-MR2 AW11 front splitter
-rusty doors
-rear left arch rusty
-rust holes in wheel well
-passenger floor rusted
-sill to b-pillar rusty
-surface rust underneath

rolling stock:
-Hoshino racing mesh 14x7 +4/ 14x6,5 +11 (need refurb)
-SSR XR4´s 14x6,5 +7 (suits more the KE35, but ok on AE86)
-unknown white 5 spoke 14x7 +21

At the end of this season some bad things happened, too:
Because I couldn´t drift in the AE86 for so long, I pushed the KE35 to the limits...
During last drift action for this year I managed to crash the KE35
I was drifting on a huge spot with concrete slabs, I was driving the course it the other way around, 1st time, and on a right corner there must have been a gap between those slabs and a few more unfavourable circumstances wich caused my car to roll over 360° scratching and denting every single panel of it!
Not much happened to me but the chassis is fu****.
Now I feel so bad for ruining such a nice car...

What I learned, allways use the right car for the right purpose.

Time to reshell!
If anyone knows where I can get one, let me know.Confused
I´ll rebuild it this time with a good suspension and the new engine I´ve already collected most of the parts for. (4K engine bored out to 5K should make >100hp)

Back to nice things Thumbs up!

My boot lid was so badly rusted that I decided to replace it. Unfortunatly there are no GRP/ CRP bootlids for 2-door Coupé available!!! Just impossible to belive...
A mate owned me a favour, because I have helped him with his engine rebuild, he´s a lightweight design student, and you probably know where this is going....
Thumbs up!

It took a long time, and a lot of effort, but at the end it was worth it...

What you think???
I really like it, carbon just looks so hot... Cool
Can´t wait to see it on my car!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

If you like our work, and a few of you want to have one of these, I´ll soom be opening a thread in the for sale section, with more informations about it. Next year... :wink:

Christmas time = time for new parts/ tools etc.
new tools
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

And I also decided to give my rear axle a full rebuild since the wining noise of my crown and pinion was just a pain in the ass (time for a solid spacer). I just hope I can use the C/P again...
Unfortunatly I didn´t find the TRD LSD that I got promise by the old owner, it had a shimmed stock LSD (wich I´ll use in the KE35 later).

What to do?
Yeap go on auctions yahoo and buy one...
Nice fully rebuild with new bearings and 300€ cheaper than a new one (including shipping/tax etc.)

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

Still on the long jurney from Japan.

If you come till here, thanks for reading all my stuff Hurray!

Other plans for next year, overhaul the brake system, cause I already got new discs/ pads and goodridge brainded hoses.
Start fixing the suspension and let´s see what else brakes first Hurray!

Cheers, Max!

1979 Toyota Corolla KE35
1983 Toyota Corolla AE86
1985 Toyota Corolla AE86
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12-29-2010, 02:45 AM
Post: #2
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
fantastic ae86 men!! good post...good details...
please post the lsd reconstruction, how much for the lsd stock plates??
y need restore mine...
(sorry about my english)

We love ae86 From Tenerife Twincam´s club!!
(canary island) spain
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12-31-2010, 02:44 PM
Post: #3
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
Hi, thanks for your king words Smile

I bought an already overhauled TRD LSD! I was going to do it myself, but it whould have been more expensive.
Do you have the stock LSD or a TRD unit?
There is a "How to rebuild a stock LSD on here" and I can give you a link where they rebuild a TRD LSD with pics etc.

1979 Toyota Corolla KE35
1983 Toyota Corolla AE86
1985 Toyota Corolla AE86
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01-09-2011, 04:31 PM
Post: #4
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
Small update:
I refurbed my taillights. The indicator glas was very dull and I removed a a faded clear coat layer from the rest of the light. I just need to buy some plastic polish to finish it of.

I also fitted the boot lid, and it looks great. But it was quit a job to drill the holes in the right place first time! Huh

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

1979 Toyota Corolla KE35
1983 Toyota Corolla AE86
1985 Toyota Corolla AE86
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01-30-2011, 04:20 PM
Post: #5
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
Just started rebuilding my front suspension, ordered new coilover sleeves and new bearings for the top mounts.

BUT I´m desperatly looking for used(new) short-stroke shocks to replace the proper fu**** Koni yellows.

Does anyone have a pair (TRD, Koni, anything)???Dumb question

Thanks Smile

1979 Toyota Corolla KE35
1983 Toyota Corolla AE86
1985 Toyota Corolla AE86
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01-30-2011, 08:33 PM
Post: #6
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
or you can get your Koni's redone:
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02-24-2011, 08:07 PM
Post: #7
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
Got a few things sorted out over the last month Big Grin

"New" suspension parts:

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

rebuild the struts and the top-mounts

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

window net (last accident taught me the hard way...)

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

got this used TRD pressure plate for 10GBP

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

new fluids

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

boring std service parts Smile

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

I finally got my rebuild TRD diff throught the customes, same with the diff rebuild kit.
More updates in March, when I´ll have some time to work on the carWink
Thanks for looking.
Cheers, Max!

1979 Toyota Corolla KE35
1983 Toyota Corolla AE86
1985 Toyota Corolla AE86
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03-21-2011, 12:41 AM
Post: #8
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
fax0815 Wrote:Got a few things sorted out over the last month Big Grin

"New" suspension parts:

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]

Remeber to get those sleeves greased or protected somehow. One of mine struts got surface rust all over - even though they are stainless steel - and that was after just laying in the garage.

BTW I think I have an old mag with your hachi. Will scan it when I find it...

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03-21-2011, 10:40 AM
Post: #9
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
Yeah will grease them up!

It whould be super awesome if you could scan it for me, cause I´d like to know a bit more about the history of my car Smile

I´ve been very busy on (under) my AE86 for the last 2 weeks:
- front suspension has been taken out and a friend will shorten and reweld the housing properly
-T3 NRCA´s arrived
-took diff out and send it to a gearbox/diff shop, cause I don´t have the tools to set it myself
-fitted new KOYO axle bearings (rear)
-installed braided brake lines and painted all brake callipers
-we tested compression/pressure loss/oilpressure --> luckily everything fine!
-took engine out (again) to fix the massive oil pan leak (now the engine seems dry for the first time since I own this car)
-fitted "new" low mileage gearbox (old one has worn gear syncro mesh) with TRD pressure-plate
-Schroth tow hook arrived
-I´ve also prepared a gearstick to build a short shift kit, incl. T3 Delrin shift bushing
-"new tires"

Now I´m waiting for the parts to return and put it all together.
Still remaining:
-finally set timing, idle and adjust CO
-bleeding brakes

Will post a few pictures, soon

1979 Toyota Corolla KE35
1983 Toyota Corolla AE86
1985 Toyota Corolla AE86
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03-21-2011, 11:19 PM
Post: #10
my slowly 1983 AE86 drift rebuild/ 1979 KE35 recovery
Question - what are the suspension parts in the toyota bag - 90310-22001?
Also where did you get your adjustable top mounts from?

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - my slowly 1983 AE86 drift r...5 recovery]
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