Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
12-08-2009, 09:05 PM
Post: #11
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
Austria was one of the only countries in europe that enforced relatively strict emission standards back when the hachi was made. The rest of europe usually got MAP sensored engines without EGR or vacuum canisters...let alone a catalytic converter.
The US models got the whole she-bang, so I would be pretty confident your car will pass emissions. Afaik, you dont have to comply with modern day emission standards, as long as you comply to the demands the car was built for in a certain country. FABRICA MI DIEM, PVNC! |
12-09-2009, 12:12 AM
Post: #12
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
In Hungary it doesn't matter how old is your car. Its a new registration in the European Union and you can't register a car what doesn't perform like the valid rule. In this case Euro5.
If you buy an older car INSIDE the EU you can register it into other EU country. Oldtimer (30++ year old) cars are exceptions! I'm not 100% that its the same in Austria but I think this must be a common law within the EU. Anyways here are some info about EURO5 emissions rules: |
12-09-2009, 12:32 AM
Post: #13
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
I think you will have no problems with emissions in the end. Cali is very strict and if you pass there in a legal way then you should pass 99% of all other countries.
I am not sure but I thought there is some kind of law prohibiting importing old cars into Austria. Not sure. And even if there might be differences if you move there and take it with you (that is the case here in Switzerland). Best is talk to the MOT in Austria, they should know about this. Call one of the main offices up and talk to the boss there. I am sure he knows. About your question in general. Yes it will be worth it. Prices are exploding over here just as they do in the US. If you do have a nice one which you probably love, then take it with you. I guess you will have a container anyway for all your belongings, so just put it in there too. Make sure to do some good underfloor coating tough. winters are really different over here. Lots of salt which is not really good when it comes to rust prevention. Speed Industries Hurdnerwaeldlistr. 73 8808 Pfaeffikon Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] phone: +4155 420 15 69 page: MSN: [email protected] We have all the parts your Hachi needs |
12-09-2009, 12:34 AM
Post: #14
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
Ivan141 Wrote:The US models got the whole she-bang, so I would be pretty confident your car will pass emissions. Afaik, you dont have to comply with modern day emission standards, as long as you comply to the demands the car was built for in a certain country. Exactly, the key word is that the car was sold in Europa. Officially by European law Austria can jump high and low, because the car was sold in Europa free European trade laws dictate the car should be tradeable in Austria. The keyword being any car having type approval within a country in the EU. Unfortunately each European country has ways around those laws but in general it holds (for instance, some countries do not allow cars older then 10 years to be imported, but also emission laws are exemptions provided the emission laws in place at the time the car was build are applied). This is the problem we have with importing cars that where never sold inside Europa like a Skyline. There is no type approval within Europa for these cars, hence there is no law that forces a country to allow the car to be imported. Here is where the UK comes as it had a thriving kitcar business sector that suddenly found they could not legally put any car on the road within the new EU laws. The UK had to come up with a type approval system that would allow cars to be type approved but without the normal crash tests and such that usually come along with it. They came up with a Single Vehical A??? (sorry can't recall what the A stand for) which basically allows you to type approve a single car based on UK law for the build year of the car. For kitcars the build year being inherited from the donor car used (provided enough parts are reused). The nice thing being that as soon as you have type approval for your car in the UK any European country MUST allow importing the car. This opened the door to importing cars never sold in the EU as well as you just state you have a kit car reusing 100% of the parts of the donor car ![]() It does mean importing into the UK, paying import taxes there, paying for the SVA, then importing into the final country, paying (less) taxes again and paying for another import approval process. By now a number of other European countries have similar scheme's like Germany and Holland though many with much stricter rules then the UK one (The one in Holland is targeted at building limited volume production cars where full type approval tests are impossible but is generally too expensive for a one off build/import) Again, for hachi's this is NOT important. Hachi's where sold in many EU countries and have type approval in many EU countries. The only issue you could have is that Trueno's weren't sold here, only Levins, but they are the same car. So all that should stand in your way are the amount of tax you need to pay and 1984 emission rules in Austria which even if they are strict doubtfully will be as strict as California. Greetz, Bastiaan "mux213" Olij Moved down under, no more hachi ![]() |
12-09-2009, 08:10 AM
Post: #15
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
Thats single vehicle approval Mux.
12-09-2009, 10:10 AM
Post: #16
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
This is what our Automobile Club ÖAMTC say:
(sorry, my english is not so good to translate the hole thing, maybe an other member can do this): Fahrzeuge als Übersiedlungsgut Auto mitnehmen Innerhalb der Europäischen Union Rechtlich gesehen spricht man nicht von Übersiedlung sondern von einer Verlegung des Wohnsitzes. Unter einer Verlegung des Wohnsitzes versteht die Veränderung des Mittelpunkts der Lebensführung. In diesem Fall muss das Fahrzeug auf ein österreichisches Kennzeichen umgemeldet werden. Das zu übersiedelnde Gebrauchtfahrzeug muss mindestens 6 Monate in einem EU-Land zugelassen und 6.000 km gefahren worden sein. Sollte dies nicht zutreffen, ist von einem Neufahrzeug zu sprechen, d.h. in Österreich muss die Mehrwertsteuer zusätzlich bezahlt werden. Nähere Auskünfte dazu erhalten Sie beim Wohnsitzfinanzamt. Bei der erstmaligen Zulassung eines Gebrauchtfahrzeuges im Inland ist NOVA zu bezahlen. Bei einem Neufahrzeug fällt zusätzlich die Einfuhrumsatzsteuer an. Übersiedlung aus Drittländern Das Auto kann "zollfrei" (= ohne Zoll und Einfuhrumsatzsteuer) als Übersiedlungsgut nach Österreich gebracht werden, wenn das Fahrzeug bereits 6 Monate auf den Besitzer zugelassen war. die Aufenthaltsdauer vor der Übersiedlung mindestens 12 Monate betragen hat. der KfZ-Besitzer Student ist oder einem befristeten Arbeitsvertrag unterliegt. Für diese Personen gelten andere Bestimmungen - Auskünfte bei den Zollämtern. das Auto entweder bei der Einreise im Hafenzollamt sofort "als Übersiedlungsgut freigeschrieben" wird oder mit Versandschein = T1 an ein österreichisches Binnenzollamt angewiesen wird. Die folgenden 3 Punkte betreffen NUR die Übersiedlung aus Drittländern! 1) Versandschein: Den Versandschein stellt ein Hafen/Grenzspediteur aus, eventuell muss eine Sicherstellung hinterlegt werden. Die Höhe der Sicherstellung ist unterschiedlich (je nach Wert des Fahrzeuges). Der Versandschein muss dem Wohnsitzzollamt vorgelegt werden, die Freischreibung wird aufgrund eines Grundlagenbescheides hier in Österreich vorgenommen. 2) Grundlagenbescheid: Das Fahrzeug muß vorgeführt werden! Der Grundlagenbescheid kann auch vorab bei Ihrem zuständigen Wohnsitzzollamt beantragt werden. Mit diesem Grundlagenbescheid kann das Auto im Hafen/Grenzzollamt abgeholt und ohne Sicherstellung (T 1 müssen Sie selbst ausfertigen) zu Ihrem Zollamt in Österreich gebracht werden. 3) Technische Abnahme: Bei der zuständigen Typisierungsstelle. Bei amerikanischen Modellen muss meist die Lichtanlage etc. umgerüstet werden (Auskünfte bei der Generalvertretung in Österreich). NOVA beim zuständigen Wohnsitzfinanzamt bezahlen. Erst dann bekommt das Fahrzeug ein österreichisches Kennzeichen. Das Fahrzeug darf dann ein Jahr nicht verkauft werden (Frist beginnt bei Zollabfertigung; Verkaufssperre in den Autopapieren). Here u can talk to our MOT, its for Vienna: Wien: Magistratsabteilung 46 (MA 46) - Landesfahrzeugprüfstelle , 7. Haidequerstr. 5, 1110 Wien, Tel. 01/955 59 (Infoline Straße und Verkehr) |
12-09-2009, 01:45 PM
Post: #17
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
OK, i won't translate anything, but the text says that if you own the car for more than 6 months and if you live in the US for more than 12 months there is no major problem for bringing your car with you. It won't be treated as a "new" car, so no need that it clears Euro5 emission laws. If your AE has a catalytic conv it won't be a problem. You might change your lights to european domestic market lights wich got an E13 or E3 or another E number stamped in the outter glass.
Besides of that there are a few forms to fill,... Normally you won't have to pay VAT or customs. You will only have to pay austrian NOVA tax. And BTW, bring the hachi with you if you wan't to stay in Europe. Rustless AE's are exploding in value and will easily cost you 5-6000€ (7400-8800$) |
12-09-2009, 08:03 PM
Post: #18
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
Thanks for the info - all of this is helpful on getting a perspective of the situation - and also for the MOT contact in Wien.
I was first under the impression that I might have to convert to the Levin-style lights, but now it seems that I wouldn't have to do this - I would just need the proper lenses - is this right? Are there Trueno-style AE86's in Austria? I do have a set of Hella H4 HID's - might these suffice? I haven't had time to read the german text yet - I can get by in spoken german, but reading takes me a little longer - I'll sift through it later today. |
12-09-2009, 08:29 PM
Post: #19
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
Hella is european right? Just check for the E brand on the lens.. Otherwise MR2 or Liteace units will do the trick.
You might have to pull some bulbs on the rears if they dont have an exemption for US cars. Double brake lights are not legal everywhere. FABRICA MI DIEM, PVNC! |
12-09-2009, 10:00 PM
Post: #20
Moving from U.S. to Austria - is it worth shipping AE86 GTS?
drothe Wrote:Thanks for the info - all of this is helpful on getting a perspective of the situation - and also for the MOT contact in Wien. if u need some more help, let me know. In Austria only pre-facelift 3dr. Levin´s without cat and with map sensor were sold from 83-85, about 800 pieces. i have heard that 1 or 2 trueno-style ae86/85 exsist in austria, but i have never seen one. |
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