Anyone who loves...
03-21-2007, 02:54 AM
Post: #1
Anyone who loves...

I mean, anyone into music? Musician? Or even a listner with good ear (pretty discutable)...

I´m a music teacher in primary school. I work with kids from 5 to 10 yo. A guitarrist without a band, i make some music on my own with the computer and some instruments.

Its like, the forum embraces so many countrys.. tell me about some bands on your country... the cultural side of a country's roots its something that i allways look for anywhere i go, something that has a huge cultural impact in your society.

Rock, grunge, metal, classic, alternative are pretty much my styles... and anything that bites my ear... i´m very open minded in what comes to music.

Please dont ask... "What does a teatcher with an hachi?"

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Anyone who loves...]
Filipe Oliveira
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03-21-2007, 06:29 AM
Post: #2
Anyone who loves...
Im with you in taste of music, these are a few local New Zealand bands: - Elemenop - Redline - Shihad (One of my favourite bands, though the new album isn't so good) - One of NZ's most popular longtime bands

I've been mates with a member of this band since i was 6 years old! Huh
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03-21-2007, 09:25 AM
Post: #3
Anyone who loves...
Lets see...

...this is going by the genre list on my iPod...

Alterntive & Punk
Easy Listening (only starry starry night by Don McLean)
Novelty Rock
Power Ballad

Quote:Rock, grunge, metal, classic, alternative are pretty much my styles.

You'd like Grand Central. A shopping center in Liverpool. If your'e ever near Liverpool, i would reccomend going. They sell LOADS of different stuff but the old place was the heart of Liverpool's culture. Sadly the local band gigs are less frequent and the art isn't there anymore sinse the old place got demolished, even though a 10,000 name pertition was signed.

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03-21-2007, 09:28 AM
Post: #4
Anyone who loves...
Oh, i should really have mentioned that Quiggins / Grand Central is mostly based around the bold music genres

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03-21-2007, 02:15 PM
Post: #5
Anyone who loves...
I mainly like electro, but I'm also a sucker for some of the crappy alternative 70s and 80s music (on which electro is based nowadays).

About current Dutch bands? Damn, I wouldn't know since I don't really follow the top-40 anymore. Think we have some bands like Kane but they probably already split up years ago or something.

Reminds me about most of the Dutch bands I can remember are already from the 80s and 90s. Wink

And ofcourse I do have to ask: What does a teatcher do with an hachi?

1983 - AE86 Sprinter Trueno - import project
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03-21-2007, 02:26 PM
Post: #6
Anyone who loves...
Quote:And ofcourse I do have to ask: What does a teatcher do with an hachi?

I park it next to new golfs, some new renaults, audis and volvos at school. Other than that, the same as you all Cool

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Anyone who loves...]
Filipe Oliveira
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03-21-2007, 02:30 PM
Post: #7
Anyone who loves...
I am started with Thrash music then go to harder like Thrash Metal/Death Metal/Grindcore/Industrial/Noisecore. After that I am listen to Grunge/Alternative/Indie and then move to Hardcore/Punk/Emo since I know Hardcore/Punk I got alot of punk/skinhead (not neo-nazi skindhead) friends and I also listen a bit to Rocksteady/Ska and few of Oi! Punk music. But I like most Rocksteady/Ska till now. So now I listen to most of music and I also now collect most of Vinyl (LP/7"/10") and CD from all album I have listened all this years.

Most of my collection is from Earache Records bands and Swedish band called In Flames Smile Also my most fav. band Fugazi Thumbs up!

About Underground punk/sxe hc/hc/grind/noise/crust/ etc. I use to know alot but now I am a loser Tongue

@banpei: You should know "Doe Maar" Tongue or maybe "Seein' Red" Thumbs up!

1985 AE86 (ハチロク) Levin - Summer time daily driver
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03-21-2007, 03:38 PM
Post: #8
Anyone who loves...
Stevie Ray Vaughan! Respect!

I like different kind off music. When I'm in a dancing club, I like club, trance, dance, hardcore. At home i like music where you can hear good soundsquality like Jazz and Blues.

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Anyone who loves...]
5/2018 BMW F22 Coupe
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03-21-2007, 03:46 PM
Post: #9
Anyone who loves...
Oldskull: ofcourse I know Doe Maar, I have all their original vinyl records (except the first one). Tongue
But Seein Red doesn't ring a bell. Undecided

1983 - AE86 Sprinter Trueno - import project
2013 - Honda Civic sport - daily driver
2004 - AEU86 dot ORG - daily domain

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03-21-2007, 04:22 PM
Post: #10
Anyone who loves...
All kinds except extremes and fashionable music. I play guitar (self-taught), acoustic and electric and bouzouki (folk instrument). I've played a couple of gigs, mostly covers from Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, etc. The last 2-3 years I'm really digging into the "Greek blues", rembetika songs. These are songs of the underworld recorded in the early 20th century, dealing with prison, drugs, love, etc.
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