Poll: I will
Attend the whole day, lunch, drive, BBQ, sleep
I'm gonne do lunch, drive, BBQ and then get the hell outtah there
I'm gonne do BBQ and sleep, I hate driving
Ah I only want food! Just the BBQ for me man
I hate you guys, count me out!
[Show Results]
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
08-30-2006, 10:38 PM
Post: #51
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
the plane flies every day, Nimwimiseisma Wink

"It's all about the heart, the people who focus on parts, turbo's and all that stuff...they're just losers."
-Shinji Minowa
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08-31-2006, 12:17 AM
Post: #52
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
Well it's not going to be Blaricum, after calling back and forth with them for several days eventually we couldn't get to a good deal with them. Their camping site was by far the most preferable but they were already pretty booked and the only space they had available was way oversided for us and would have costs us a couple of hundred euro's to rent for a day.

So we're keeping that one in mind for next year because they are a very friendly bunch and their camping does have some interesting features (barbequeing over a campfire anyone?Big Grin ).

For this year the choice goes to the runner up which should also prove to be loads of fun. More details to follow but the camp site this year is in Amsterdam: http://www.campingamsterdamsebos.nl/
Price for everyone that doesn't stay overnight is 2.50 per person, everyone that does plan to stay the night pays the price as stated on their website (I'll copy some details later today).
Our very own Doctor is once again taking care of the barbeque meat and stuff. We're looking at a per person price of 10 euro's for that (that includes salad and stuff like that).

I'm gonne have to re-evaluate the route, luckely I was lagging behind on finishing it offBig Grin haven't desided on the starting point yet. But I'm sure we'll come up with something interesting, and no we're not going to go doing booring city drivingBig Grin Might do a route through northern holland or something.. There's some interesting winding roads up there....

Anyways, everyone that knows they are comming for sure, please email me with the exact number of people you expect to come. I'll start making an official list so Doc can start putting the order for the meat togetherBig Grin
Don't forget to let us know if you want vegitarian food or not!


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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08-31-2006, 02:23 AM
Post: #53
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
Wave finally made I made up my mind Smile

BBQ and Sleep for me,
if anyone wants to share a "trekkershut" (what's in a name Big Grin ) for only €11,50 each, no hassle with tent Smile ,only bring sleeping bag.

Yeah I know...., but I'm a lazy ass bastard :wink:

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08-31-2006, 08:30 AM
Post: #54
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!

Those trekkershutjes where one of the reasons this camping was 2nd on our listSmile Sounds like a comfortable one night place to stayBig Grin


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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09-03-2006, 12:47 AM
Post: #55
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
If I do decide to stay I'll share a hut with one of you guys no prob...

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09-04-2006, 07:26 PM
Post: #56
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
Kees gaat ook met ons mee, alleen kan hij pas rond 18.00 - 18.30 uur in Amsterdam zijn. Hij moet nl werken tot 17.00 uur. Kees blijft bbq'en en slapen.

Groeten Yvonne

Mijn mooie, originele AE86!
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09-04-2006, 08:12 PM
Post: #57
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!

zal zometeen es ff een lijstje op gaan stellen.. we lopen beetje uit geloof ik Big Grin

Naja moet de slager maar ff een avondje extra met zijn bijltje aan de gang Smile


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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09-04-2006, 11:06 PM
Post: #58
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
als ik woensdagavond voor het weekend alles nog door kan geven is het nog te halen Smile
Maar liever iets eerder...

Ik zit alleen met 1 probleem, m'n oma gaat dat weekend verhuizen, en ze hebben mijn hulp hard nodig. Even kijken hoe dat gaat lopen, anders moet er iemand langs komen om het vlees op te halen, of jullie moeten iets anders gaan zoeken.

Ik kan er atm even niets aan doen, er is hier veel gebeurd in de familie (overlijden opa, verhuizing oma etc. etc.) ik moet dit waarschijnlijk afzeggen.

"It's all about the heart, the people who focus on parts, turbo's and all that stuff...they're just losers."
-Shinji Minowa
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09-04-2006, 11:18 PM
Post: #59
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
hee Doc,
vervelend voor je, ik snap dat zoiets voor gaat.
Maak je niet te druk om dat beetje vlees hoor, we kunnen altijd zelf nog wat regelen, toch?

@ iedereen, in het ergste geval allemaal eigen vlees enzo mee?

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09-05-2006, 12:12 AM
Post: #60
16/09/2006 - 2 year anniversary party - pics from page 7!!!
ik wil niet teveel vooruit lopen, maar dit kwam ik nog tegen http://www.easybbq.nl/index.php ziet er niet verkeerd uit.

maar laten we nog ff de mogelijkheden op een rijtje zetten....

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