Boost Gauge help with Pictures
09-27-2011, 12:27 AM
Post: #11
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
Gtsi-R Wrote:am wondering... how hot is your oil getting without a cooler..

Hey Roel,

I have the problem again that the charger wont work - after 2 hours of drifting it stopped again. Shit engine!

But em regarding the meters... Do you maybe have a picture and a clear guideline for me how to hook up the hoses for the boost meter?

The oil temp on normal roads are around 100 degrees

The oil temp on freeway is around 120

The oil temp when drifting is also around 120 (seems to sometimes tip a bit over just like the freeway but other than that it's fine - it never goes over that I would have to scream for my life Tongue)

I am using 10w40 I think and its half synthetic.

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-11-2011, 07:35 PM
Post: #12
Boost Gauge help with Pictures

I just installed my Oil cooler (dont ask me how) I had help from my stepdad with Hernia and even more shits... LOL

It works like a charm tho.
Now the hard part begins... Checking the oil on a daily basis including the adapters etc.

I also have a boost-gauge installed but it doesn't show me boost!
I have T'd it from the intake manifold to fuel press.
Should work but it doesn't

The charger works fine etc. so I have no idea why it doesn't work.

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-11-2011, 07:43 PM
Post: #13
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
"I have T'd it from the intake manifold to fuel press."

Please explain...What does the gauge show?

Japan 4 Ever
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10-11-2011, 08:48 PM
Post: #14
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
mech5107 Wrote:"I have T'd it from the intake manifold to fuel press."

Please explain...What does the gauge show?

I was looking on websites for pictures on where to put the T piece.
I have found on the Intake Manifold a Horizontal line that goes to the Fuel pressure regulator (as far as I know and read on the internet).

I haven't stepped hard on the gas yet but it shows 0.0 bar.
So I think I have to just slam on the gas tomorrow to see if it fully works.

What I read is that supercharged engines vary when using a boost gauge.
So... If I am gassing it - it should work.
But... I will see that tomorrow then. But I have this feeling it just doesnt work.
I dont know why.

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-11-2011, 10:28 PM
Post: #15
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
well if the boost gauge is connected properly you should have vacuum reading at idle (below 0 bar). The fuel pressure regulator line should actually see the right signal for the boost gauge as it needs to know the boost pressure to compensate the fuel pressure compared to boost (think base fuel pressure + boost = actual fuel pressure; as without it the engine would run lean due to the actual fuel exiting the injector under boost would be less than anticipated by the ECU as it needs to fight against the higher than ambient pressure). Although I personally wouldn't T into that to avoid any tampering of that signal due to the gauge.

hope you're still with me so far Smile

anyway as it's been ages since I've seen a GZE manifold up close I can only point you in the right direction. On a regular 16V 4AGE there is a triple take off just behind the cold start injector (that thing with the almost square plug) on the plenum. I assume something similar would be on the GZE.
Try to follow the path the air takes: filter - SC - (Intercooler -) throttle body - Intake - valves. now on th intake part there should be a couple of small rubber hoses (maybe a bit hidden away on the back of it) where you can T in or even use a spare nipple which is blanked off. As said be sure it's some where AFTER the air has passed the throttle body else you wont see vacuum or a proper boost reading.

Hope that helps - if not take a bunch of pictures all around the intake side in the best quality you possibly can and I'll try to help out from there.

Worst case scenario is you tap the intake manifold and fit a nipple yourself.

AE86 ex-daily
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10-12-2011, 01:51 PM
Post: #16
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
Ok... I made some pictures...
That might be the best option Big Grin

Check it out. please Smile

On the left you see the white/clear T piece and it is going to a vertical line
(didnt mean Horizontal like the last post I suppose).
And that is going to the fuel thingy I think. If I am correct.

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Boost Gauge help with Pictures]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Boost Gauge help with Pictures]

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-12-2011, 02:40 PM
Post: #17
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
Pics are too close to tell, please post some others for further away.

The thing in the 2nd pic seems like a solenoid valve, like those for idle up.
Also i think that the place you spliced in is before the throttle, so it will read 0 or boost only.

Japan 4 Ever
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10-12-2011, 04:07 PM
Post: #18
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
as he ^^^said - too close to identify the path of air/parts

AE86 ex-daily
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10-12-2011, 04:18 PM
Post: #19
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
Yah sorry guys.

It was raining lol - I am out to get some groceries and then I will be back and make some GOOD pics.
But essentially those 2 pictures you can link them together...
I took that lil hose from the intake manifold (I think it is called) and it came out to that fuel thingy. LOL sorry for being such a moron.

I will be back within an hour and will drop fresh pics on here!

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-12-2011, 06:13 PM
Post: #20
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
Without spamming this forum further I have uploaded the pics to a 1024 resolution.

I hope you guys can make some sense of it.

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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