Boost Gauge help with Pictures
10-13-2011, 12:24 AM
Post: #21
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
Maybe somebody can outline the hose I need to cut as I now need to fix the other one I broke Sad

I have no idea which one I need to grab.

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-13-2011, 10:20 AM
Post: #22
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
The link for the pictures is not working i think. But i checked on the net...

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Boost Gauge help with Pictures]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Boost Gauge help with Pictures]

The second pic it's the fuel pressure regulator. From the hose you see on the down side of it, you should get a boost signal. It should be connected somewhere in the intake manifold, like the one on the first pic.

In either location you will have a boost signal.

Japan 4 Ever
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10-13-2011, 10:50 AM
Post: #23
Boost Gauge help with Pictures

I am gonna try that... I found out what happened with the link.
It only shows 1 picture :

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-13-2011, 12:14 PM
Post: #24
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
This one is the one i think

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Boost Gauge help with Pictures]

Just check that it's going to the manifold.

Japan 4 Ever
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10-13-2011, 01:12 PM
Post: #25
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
I have tried both options from intake mani to thingy on the left of my airfilter
And from fuel press regu to left of my airfilter thingy
It moved 1mm when i hooked it up to the fuel press regu.

Any other ideas? As i have no clue...

Thanks again. Superhelp Smile

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-13-2011, 01:33 PM
Post: #26
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
So it doesn't work? The gauge is bad...or not wired correctly. What gauge it is?

Japan 4 Ever
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10-13-2011, 05:12 PM
Post: #27
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
mech5107 Wrote:So it doesn't work? The gauge is bad...or not wired correctly. What gauge it is?

Nope... Everything is hooked up correctly. It is a STRI smoke gauge Tongue

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-13-2011, 05:30 PM
Post: #28
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
to check if the gauge is faulty or not is simple, just unplug the gauge from the line and put your finger on the hose - at idle you should feel the vacuum (don't worry it's not strong enough to hurt you)

on your first picture at the top edge smack in the middle of the picture there is some glossy black bit - I assume this is a pluged nipple but not certain as the picture cuts it off... this might be a place to get a signal from too...
If it is a blanking plug, get the engine running at idle, unplug it and put your finger on - if you feel the vacuum connect your gauge to there.

AE86 ex-daily
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10-13-2011, 06:02 PM
Post: #29
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
Thats a good idea.
I will try that tomorrow!

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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10-15-2011, 11:29 AM
Post: #30
Boost Gauge help with Pictures
Bean Bandit Wrote:to check if the gauge is faulty or not is simple, just unplug the gauge from the line and put your finger on the hose - at idle you should feel the vacuum (don't worry it's not strong enough to hurt you)

Ok... So I have done that Bean Bandit Big Grin and yes it works like you said.
So... the gauge still doesn't do what it needs to do... maybe its being blocked somewhere... So I checked this plug from the gauge (in my engine bay) and it has a tine screw in it with a hole...

I should probably open that up a little bit more OR I should screw it down (to tighten it).

Either way it all should work!

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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