Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
10-15-2004, 06:52 PM
Post: #11
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
Ok guys.

I've found the reference to my speed buzzer on page BE-7 of the workshop manuals.

Looks like I'll be able to pull the plug from either behind the glovebox or if I remove the ashtray. I will try and take some photos so you guys can see if your loom has the connector. Will remove the buzzer and see if I can get the part number.

I've also had a thought - instead of removing the buzzer I should be able to put a resistor in the line so it comes on at say - 160KPH instead. Will get a friend to monitor the volts on a multimeter and see what happens. I suspect its just an on/off gate and that its controlled elsewhere.

Will let you know how I get on.

Regards Ian.
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Disabling the speed warning... JDM Levin]
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10-15-2004, 08:02 PM
Post: #12
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin

I removed the glove box, ashtray, and circular cover (opposite the ciggie lighter) and managed to gain access to the said dinging device.

Unfortunately the dinger is screwed into the car behind the dash so no part number until I remove the centre console (which I need to do to figure out why the temp control on the heater/blower ain't working).

If your car is able to support the 'dinger' you should find a spare T style black connector (the 2 terminal spays are laid in a T shape) somewhere behind the dash. I'm not sure where this connector goes off to as I can't easily see in the dark. I am wondering what controls this circuit - maybe the instrument cluster ? I wonder if you install the dinger in a UK car what speed it would come on at.

Anyways if I get a part number I will let you know.


I've just looked on page BE-22 which shows the pinouts for the connectors on the back of the instrument cluster. Pin 17 is latched for the dinger/chime. So it deffo comes from the cluster.

Need to go for a drive now and see what happens - and guess what - the roads are soaking wet :mrgreen:

Regards Ian.
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Disabling the speed warning... JDM Levin]
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10-16-2004, 07:51 PM
Post: #13
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
Have fun!

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10-17-2004, 10:20 AM
Post: #14
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
No dinging and car behaves fine.

The roads were really wet in Derby. The Hachi sure likes to wag its tail Wink

If anyone with the UK/Euro corolla has their dashboard out take a look at the connector on the instrument cluster. Find out if pin 17 is connected or the pin is just blanked.

Regards Ian.
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Disabling the speed warning... JDM Levin]
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06-06-2008, 04:30 PM
Post: #15
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
sorry for digging this up, but I didn't really want to create a new thtread for this, since most of the info is already in this thread.

I noticed someone here bought Ian.G's buzzer........ so, how did the installation go? Smile

And does it work?

I'll be receiving my buzzer pretty soon (Royal Mail Pending Tongue) from eight-six, and I've been going through some of the electrical wiring diagrams and printed some stuff. Just hoping someone here could explain things a bit.

I.e., how to get to/behind the center console (or is it self explanatory? Going to work a bit on my car tomorrow), hook things up and stuff.
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06-06-2008, 06:15 PM
Post: #16
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
Just unplug the connector puting your hand under the center console.


[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Disabling the speed warning... JDM Levin]
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06-07-2008, 10:41 AM
Post: #17
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
I did buy Ian's buzzer and tried to connect it. I didn't succeed in doing that since the connector in my hachi wasn't there, most probably because the loom wasn't originally with the car. I planned to do it manually but never came to doing that before selling the hachi.

Currently Robokill has the buzzer and I don't think he already fitted that to his racer. Wink

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[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Disabling the speed warning... JDM Levin]
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06-07-2008, 10:54 AM
Post: #18
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
Lol, well, I'll take a look today and hopefully find a connector Smile Keep you posted.
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06-07-2008, 11:39 AM
Post: #19
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
I also have one of these available for purchase if anyone is interested - PM me offers (in GBP)

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06-09-2008, 11:50 AM
Post: #20
Disabling the speed warning buzzer on a JDM Levin
Ok, had a look while removing the car radio (it seemed to be dead, now I know it works just fine, it just needs 2 12V inputs, so probably it'll work fine when the engine is running).

I found the empty place next to the ash-tray, there was a big blue connector behind it (18 pins orso? didn't count Dumb question ).

Now I just re-read Ian.G's remarks, and I can't remember seeing a black T-styled connector Sad

Well, in a couple of days time I'll have the car closer at hand.

Ian.G, think you can still make a picture of where your buzzer was connected to? Cool
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