Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
10-14-2005, 12:34 PM
Post: #1
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
Started working on the car today took of the front and the back cut off the skirts and took off the wing. Forgot my digital camera at home so no pictures coming today will take it with me next time tough.

I can say this tough theres really a lot of work on this car everything is really shitty done the more I take a part the more shit I find.

The car has been lifted on all places under the car except on the lifting ponts so its all dented and I have to exchange several of the (dont know what to call it in english (balk in swedish if anybody wanna translate)).

Same with the treshholds all gone got a big holes in both sides like 1 * 1 dm soo its really a lot of work.

Most off the bushings are bad the I have 4 different colors of paint on the car black, red, white and green.

The fenders need new fixing points for the front cause the front wasnt really attached with washers and too tiny screws plus it is too heavy .

The exhaust is all welded toghether and its bent like nothing Ive evers senn its like 1.5 - 2cm wide at the smallest part of it thats not really good for the engine. Looking for a new engine for it even tough the engine and gearbox and clutch is probably ralativly new and it works fine except revving really high at idling sometimes up too 2000rpm.

Probably a lot more I could say but I will post pics soon
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10-14-2005, 12:40 PM
Post: #2
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
Idling at 2000rpm is normal when the engine is cold. Should drop to around 1000 once its warmed up.
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10-14-2005, 01:05 PM
Post: #3
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05 have your work cut out for you...
Sounds like what you need are some welding skills, hope you have them or know someone who does. Do post some pics sometime so we can see what your up against.

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10-14-2005, 07:00 PM
Post: #4
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
Nice to know that you are giving her the love and care she needs...


Tur att annonsen inte var äkta för den gjorde mig lite "nervös". Men skulle du tröttna på henne så kan du väl säga till innan du lägger ut en annons.

Lycka till, och hoppas jag kan få se henne IRL någon gång

Mikael Wave


...and uppdate this thread with pics as often as you can, pleeeaaassseee.
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10-14-2005, 08:33 PM
Post: #5
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
The car is idling at 2000 when its warm but dont think its a problem cause of the extra resistans in the exhaust may affect this.

otherwise Ive got some welding skills but im not that good in working with metal so someone have to do that for m havent got the tools either.

She aint a beuty now anyway doesnt even look like the same car as I bought.

Will probably post some pics tomorrow if I get a hold of a new jack.
(my jack broke yesterday and it was only 2 years old and nowI have to buy a new one, liked my old one lifted 1.5 meters so you could get car car in a nice height)

PDE: if youre ever in malmö send me a mail and ill show her to ya

thats all folks for now Hurray!
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10-14-2005, 08:44 PM
Post: #6
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
Are you going to keep her green? How about doing a green/black 2-tone combination, with a dull black hood and a small (similar to stock) black wing/spoiler on the trunk. Just a thought...
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10-14-2005, 09:13 PM
Post: #7
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
this green just dont fit the ae86. or maybe just dont fit my taste..
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10-14-2005, 10:59 PM
Post: #8
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
no Im not going to keep it green. Havent really chosen a colour yet so im open for suggestions but im dont like thi flashy green colour. Gonna keep it green till I get it past the MOT tough gonna get it repainted and tuned after that.

I kind of like the wing on it tough makes it look better but the MOT is the most inportant for now so if you have seen any nice hachis and stuff feel free too send me pics havent decided the look yet
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10-15-2005, 12:37 AM
Post: #9
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
i think toyota picked the best suited colors for this car. White, red, metallic blue, gold, and some JDM colors s.a. brown and dark green... you also have a nice selection of panda combinations.. also a nice combo is Jezzas colour - black and grey twotone. also all black, makes the car pretty mean looking =)

I'm kinda over panda colours since everybody is getting their cars painted in such pattern. Though i like the red and black combination.. just not red and black panda..

i can make some photoshops tomorrow.. i have time. : )

PS: the reason im geting deeply involved with this car's color because i really think it needs help. =)

anyways keep up the good work.. Hurray!
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10-15-2005, 10:51 AM
Post: #10
Green Frog project updated with pics 2006-01-05
Green can look cool...but then I'm thinking more along the line of the sherwood green two-tone mr-2 AW11's. Those are sexy as hell.

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