Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007
04-26-2007, 07:59 PM
Post: #11
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007

koppakking, radiateur leidingen? wtf is going on? Der was toch alleen een turbo kaduuk?


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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04-27-2007, 09:59 AM
Post: #12
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007
Ah, dat zou dan mijn KE'tje zijn. Tijdens een rit naar Duitsland heeft een radiateurslang het van ouderdom begeven en is ie koelvloeistof gaan lekken. Temperatuur leek lang netjes te blijven zodat ie rookwolken begon te spuien voordat de naald echt begon te stijgen..

A wheel to steer the front of the car
A pedal to steer the rear
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04-27-2007, 10:52 AM
Post: #13
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007
Ooooooooooops.. ja dan is het gedaan met de pret....


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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04-27-2007, 11:09 AM
Post: #14
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007
mijn 4K kopen Damir? Big Grin

jammer dat ik een weekendje naar de Ardennen ga, anders had ik wel eens een keer willen rijden buiten het driftparcours daaro Smile

Andere keer dan maar Smile

"It's all about the heart, the people who focus on parts, turbo's and all that stuff...they're just losers."
-Shinji Minowa
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04-27-2007, 12:35 PM
Post: #15
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007
Hmm Thomas, wat is er gaande met jouw hengelacties naar 2TG X-members de laatste tijd? Denk maar niet dat dat me ontgaan is!! :wink:

A wheel to steer the front of the car
A pedal to steer the rear
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04-28-2007, 07:18 AM
Post: #16
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007
ik kom van gool en ik wit van nix! Big Grin

Er wordt binnen een redelijke termijn een 2T-G voor me (in)gebouwd Smile
Dus ik zit nog ff te twijfelen wat ik doe met m'n 4K Smile

"It's all about the heart, the people who focus on parts, turbo's and all that stuff...they're just losers."
-Shinji Minowa
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04-28-2007, 06:24 PM
Post: #17
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007


[Schudt nog eens met zijn broekzakken...]

En gefeliciteerd met de twincam actie. Superblokje om te horen man!

A wheel to steer the front of the car
A pedal to steer the rear
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04-29-2007, 07:34 PM
Post: #18
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007
Hey everyone,

Well that was a great day on a small little circuit!! Robokill had just returned from his vacation in Spain this night, I had talked to him on the phone just before he came back and we sortof last minute agreed he'd join in so at 9am I was at his door to pick him up. I didn't actually know that he would return THAT night so when he walked down sleepely and I found out he had only slept for 4 hours after driving straight home from Spain to Holland......

Anyways, I had promised him a long long time ago I would let him drive my car around a circuit and this would seem to be a good oppertunity to do so. Now normally I don't let anyone drive my car around a circuit but I know his driving and I know that he knows how I feel about my car Smile
That said, this turned out to be a BIG mistake :
A) He broke my indicator switch (and later on replaced it with a brand new one Thumbs up! )
B) He consistently drove lap times 2 to 3 seconds FASTER then I did from the first lap, having very little experience driving my car and not having driven a Hachi for weeks
C) He drifts way better then me, and now all my friends think everytime the car was drifting, he was driving, and everytime the car was like a turtle around the track that was me.

Just kidding offcourse. Seriously though, I was VERY impressed with Robokills driving and so where most of the people at the track who met him for the first time. He put down some of the faster times of the day and in the morning session even came second to an Opel Speedster.

As for me, well I was somewhere around 5th or 6th or maybe even lower Smile Still I feel I've improved my driving alot aswell. Lelystad is a circuit I could much better try out the new handling of my car with the new setup and I am nothing more then amazed with it. I even started drifting the track doing some scandinavian flicks on the S turns and I suck at drifting!! Wink

Anyways, off to some pictures made by my good friend Dick at For some reason all the pictures with the guy driving with the open helmet, thats me, and all the pictures with the guy DRIFTING with the closed helmet thats Robokill.... Where's the pictures of me drifting ?? Sad


Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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04-29-2007, 09:40 PM
Post: #19
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007
Nice pictures Mux. You guys have a nice times sure.

Anyway you washed your car? Tongue its look cleaned and nicer!

1985 AE86 (ハチロク) Levin - Summer time daily driver
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04-29-2007, 10:39 PM
Post: #20
Gummen Lelystad meet 29-04-2007

It's a bit worthless, I washed it last night, its already dirty again nowSmile

Btw, these are the results, morning session and evening session where two different track layouts:


01 = 1.09.33 Maik - Speedster
02 = 1.11.06 Robokill - AE86
03 = 1.12.29 Pa Rohl - MR2
04 = 1.13.06 KawaZZtra - 320I
05 = 1.14.46 Eddie147 - Leon
06 = 1.14.59 Jeroen - E30 325I
07 = 1.14.63 Mux - AE86
08 = 1.14.95 Pluto - Golf
09 = 1.15.82 MR2Drift - E36 325I
10 = 1.16.84 Goofy - Golf
11 = 1.18.91 Joshua - 205GTI
12 = 1.20.08 Rohl - MR2 (Incl. 10 Strafseconden!!!!!!!)
13 = 1.20.34 kZienix - Grand Scenic
14 = 1.20.63 Alfisto - Leon
15 = 1.21.45 RuudB - Manta

01 = 0.52.79 Maik - Speedster
02 = 0.53.96 Rohl - MR2
03 = 0.55.06 Robokill - AE86
04 = 0.56.92 Pa Rohl - MR2
05 = 0.57.08 Eddie147 - Leon
06 = 0.57.66 MR2Drift - E36 325I
07 = 0.58.19 Mux - AE86
08 = 0.58.52 KawaZZtra - 320I
09 = 0.58.62 Sandman - Golf
10 = 0.58.92 Jeroen - E30 325I
11 = 0.59.50 Pluto - Golf
12 = 0.59.57 Goofy - Golf
13 = 1.02.94 Alfisto - Leon
14 = 1.04.35 RuudB - Manta


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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