Power steering?
02-08-2005, 03:23 PM
Post: #11
Power steering?
mykkk Wrote:so is it possible/hard to install a power steering pump into a car that does not have it?

Yes. Buy steering parts from USA guys and use them in your Corolla.
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02-08-2005, 03:48 PM
Post: #12
Power steering?
jamiemirror Wrote:
mykkk Wrote:so is it possible/hard to install a power steering pump into a car that does not have it?

Yes. Buy steering parts from USA guys and use them in your Corolla.
You might be able to use parts from a Carina II... I'll look into it Smile

Sarcasme is just one of the things I offer Wink

Daily driver: '92 Toyota Carina E GTI
Rebuilt project: '86 Levin hatch
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02-08-2005, 04:05 PM
Post: #13
Power steering?
Thanks for your help guys.
If a powersteering unit from a Carina can be used that would be good because those cars are readily available in Uk.
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02-08-2005, 05:14 PM
Post: #14
Power steering?
A mechanic who ownes an AE86, told me in the past that you cant "convert" a non Ps to powersteering.
you must find the full thing from another hachi and use it to your hachi

danielvanderwoude Wrote:looks like the nmwisima joke saved you in the end
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02-08-2005, 05:21 PM
Post: #15
Power steering?
Powersteering is for pussies..
The AE86 steers just fine at all speeds I can reasonably imagine reaching with it. It''s not like your going to be cornering at 200km/h anyway, so who cares if steering gets slightly lighter at those speeds.
You guys should look into getting proper alignments if the straightline behaviour is not satisfactory.

So you need a bit of muscle to turn the wheel with huge tires, to bad. I can imagine PS being slightly more relaxing for drifting, and from my experiences with my volvo boro-racer (with PS) it is less exhausting for longer track sessions.

Why wouldnt it be possible to convert to PS later? You need the pump, steering rack and a belt (since it's driven from the accesory belt, the outer part of the crank pulley).. The steering knuckles are of different length on PS cars, but you dont need those for a conversion.

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02-08-2005, 05:33 PM
Post: #16
Power steering?
To convert the car to PS your going to need a PS rack, getting one from another car is unlikely since you need it to be the correct length. The steerings arms are also a different length. I remeber seeing it on an AE86 video a comparison with GTV [non-ps] and GT-Apex [PS] arms and the Apex ones gave a larger steering angle so i guess the arms must be shorter ? Obviously you need more strength to turn the wheel though.

There are manufacturers of quickracks for the AE86, i remember Fensport listing one though i couldn't find it on their site during a quick look just now.

They would be a good way to reduce the lock and build some muscle in your arms.

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Power steering?]
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02-08-2005, 11:16 PM
Post: #17
Power steering?
haha thanks for your input guys, i take it i'm a pussy then Huh
i just prefer ps, just makes driving effortless...especially when u are parking the car.

it must be possible to do it tho surely.

so just a summary, to convert, i would need a ps pump, steering rack and a belt.

maybe i can find something on japanese yahoo auctions.

if anyone else has some input on this that would be appreciated..thanks guys! and yes if power steering is for pussies, then i am a pussy Yummie!
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02-08-2005, 11:30 PM
Post: #18
Power steering?
I know someone who was breaking an import car here in the UK if it has PS. Thinking about it i don't know if right or left hand drive makes a difference. If you importing also check out the US, maybe the list members resident there can help you.

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02-08-2005, 11:39 PM
Post: #19
Power steering?
My car has PS and I might go to manual. Maybe we can swap?

Broken down 1984 Trueno HB
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Power steering?]
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02-09-2005, 12:26 AM
Post: #20
Power steering?
Yes, don't know how i'm going to find out if it matters left and right hand drive.

Aico, i will keep that in mind.

I have to get the car first! still contemplating!
I will let you guys know
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