Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
11-24-2011, 12:04 AM
Post: #1
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
Hello everybody,

I am having some questions, some of you die-hard knowledge people might know about.

I have a 4agze in my AE86 since a few months now. (1st gen aw11 145bhp).
I have been drifting with it and it is an absolute pleasure.

Since I have almost everything finished towards the engine I am stuck with some questions my friends asked me.

1. I have a stock 4age fuel-pump and injectors on my 4agze.
How much can they handle?
When should I upgrade and do you have some brands for me and links I can use to purchase these when I have the money. Thank you.

2. I have a new crank-pulley that gives me 20hp more power and want to install that.

3. Some days ago I went to a shop to install the lambda on my exhaust manifold and we de-installed the sparkplug timer.
My problem now is that my car runs too low in the rpm's. (I think).
I sometimes have the feeling its a little too low. Like it almost wants to stop! So I think It can be better when its a little higher.

How can I fix it and can somebody give me tips and tricks and extra points to watch.

Also- How can I adjust the spark-plug timer to the best set-up.
How can I see how it was like factory setting.
And should I be aware with the other Diameter crank-pulley I want to install.

Top left - that silver thing has a electrical plug on it and a friend of mine said that it was for the timing of the sparkplugs.
It has a ring on the left side where you can time it with but we de-installed the whole thing.
Inside there's a shaft with pointy things on it and now I dont know how it should be - what the correct setting is.

Please help! Thanks!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !]

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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11-25-2011, 06:43 PM
Post: #2
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
You really should be more careful with what work you do to your car with your current knowledge level (no offense intended). You took out the cam position sensor and just put it back in, that's a recipe for disaster.
The correct way of putting it in would be to line up a line on the shaft with a dimple on the collar( or vice versa...whatever version you have, there should be 2 marks on it for this purpose), then insert it as straight as possible into the hole (straight meaning that the bolt 'ears' stay as close to the middle of the adjustment range as you can get them).
All this with the nr1 cylinder at top dead center (timing mark at 0, dimple in camshaft visible through oil filler hole in camcover).

You may well be one or more teeth off at the moment, which could potentially wreck your engine.

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11-25-2011, 09:46 PM
Post: #3
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
Thanks Ivan,

The person that worked on my car is not a noob like me Tongue
So everything is still fine but it could probably be a bit better.

Could you maybe pb me the story from above in Dutch.
Step by step instruction please? If you are okay with that.

And what if I install the new crank-pulley. Would this also affect the timing?

Thanks again!

It's not that the car runs SOO LOOOW it runs under 1000rpm stationairy
so its around 700 or 800 rpm - should be normal.
But when I got the car back after install of the 4agze it was running around 900/1000 rpm. And it felt just a little bit sharper.

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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12-31-2011, 06:42 PM
Post: #4
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
Hey guys,

Rather than starting another thread/topic...

I have a question for you guys.

I have recently installed a D1 spec oil cooler + oil relocation kit.
Before that I also used the D1 spec oil relocation kit but with another oil cooler. (very shitty quality).
Now I have everything from the D1 spec brand and its way better...

Since I came back from the shop - I have this sound while driving...
sounds like the teletubbie vaccuum cleaner or better example - a frying pan with junkfood in it...
watery type of sound...

It may either be the cooling liquid that has air in the system or maybe my relocated oil filter.

What could I do at home to fix this myself?

You can only hear it when driving.
If you guys wanna hear the sound - I could upload a movie to youtube where you can hear it quite good!

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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01-02-2012, 02:38 AM
Post: #5
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
Do you have any pictures of the mounted relo-kit and the mounted oilcooler?

1979 Toyota Corolla KE35
1983 Toyota Corolla AE86
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01-02-2012, 01:04 PM
Post: #6
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
Change your fuel pump to an MR2 Turbo one, or put in a rising rate fuel pressure regulator and get it setup on the rolling road. I bought an MR2 turbo fuel pump for mine for £20 including shipping.

What diameter is the bigger crank pulley you have?

I am doing a GZE conversion on my car though I have the benefit of having had a few AW11 SC's in the past and my other half has had several over the last 10 years. We have a blueprinted GZE to fit in my AE86.

If you are putting on a bigger crank pulley, then you need to block off the ABV. Some will say just change the VSV hoses around and equalise the pressure so that the ABV will not open when boost pressure is over 8psi, but it's a rubbish way and can leak boost.

Far better to blank off the ABV or remove it all together.

Stockl injectors will be absolutely fine to the maximum size over-sized crank pulley of 180mm, or more commonly the Fensport one which is 176mm. Car can generate 180bhp no problem. Supercharger turns into a hairdryer and heat soaks anyway if you try to spin it faster. So stock injectors are fine.

Are you sure your engine is out of an AW11? I only ask because in the pic it looks like you have a DLI setup (ie no distributor) and that was only avalable on the AE92 spec on.

1985 Sprinter Trueno GT Apex
2013 GT86 Miltek Exhaust, Injen Induction.
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01-02-2012, 01:45 PM
Post: #7
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
Thanks Lauren,

As far as I know :

I have a GZE from the Mk1 Mr2 from japan. 1989
140 / 145 bhp.

The pulley I fitted with my mechanic is 157mm
This way I did not have to put a 4age timing pointer or modify anything else.
Its a fairly small upgrade.

We changed the oil and the cooling liquid.
Fitted an oil cooler and oil relocation kit.

As far as I know I have 4age injectors 4age waterpump etc.
Most of the stuff is 4age.
The block is 4agze as it was swapped by a pro.

It's weird... the only thing that comes to mind is that maybe in the oil filter theres some air or something... It sounds like that.

I only hear it when driving and sometimes it stops and then all of a sudden you hear it very loud.
It's not consistent but it is most of the time present.
When the engine is cold I dont hear it but when the oil temp is rising you hear it more and more...
Thats why I think theres air in the filter... but hey? I am a dumbass Tongue

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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01-02-2012, 02:27 PM
Post: #8
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
Ps in my projects thread there are some pics - I can post them here but that would be too much I think?

I also read a lot of stuff from people on the web where they also took the mr2 1st gen gze and put up over 200 bhp with certain stock stuff

so I should be allright!
Its weird tho.

heres the oil filter:
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !]

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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01-02-2012, 08:07 PM
Post: #9
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !

-DWG- Drift Wolf Gaming
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01-03-2012, 12:04 AM
Post: #10
Engine sounds slush GZE with VIDEO !
Okami Wrote:Thanks Lauren,

As far as I know :

I have a GZE from the Mk1 Mr2 from japan. 1989
140 / 145 bhp.

The pulley I fitted with my mechanic is 157mm
This way I did not have to put a 4age timing pointer or modify anything else.
Its a fairly small upgrade.

We changed the oil and the cooling liquid.
Fitted an oil cooler and oil relocation kit.

As far as I know I have 4age injectors 4age waterpump etc.
Most of the stuff is 4age.
The block is 4agze as it was swapped by a pro.

It's weird... the only thing that comes to mind is that maybe in the oil filter theres some air or something... It sounds like that.

I only hear it when driving and sometimes it stops and then all of a sudden you hear it very loud.
It's not consistent but it is most of the time present.
When the engine is cold I dont hear it but when the oil temp is rising you hear it more and more...
Thats why I think theres air in the filter... but hey? I am a dumbass Tongue

There is no such thing as a '4AGZE block'. It's the same as the NA. Only difference is the pistons.

Your pulley sounds to be HKS size at most to me, which gives not much over standard, but that's okay.

GZE uses the same waterpump as the GE, no reason to be any different.

Not sure what you mean by the noise. I did have a look at the vid. Bit of an odd place to relocate your oil filter to though, seeing as it's miles away from the stock position.

1985 Sprinter Trueno GT Apex
2013 GT86 Miltek Exhaust, Injen Induction.
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