Idle speed problem
01-12-2006, 09:00 AM
Post: #11
Idle speed problem
First I would advise you to download the factory manual PDF (you'll find it in a sticky in the tech section). It has the correct procedure for the ae86 tps (which probably is the same as the ae92 one). You only need a multimeter to get it done...shouldnt be too difficult.
I'm sure you could find someone here to come have a peek. Mux doesnt live that far from you, and Jasper (TE71corolla here) knows plenty about ae86 maintenance/repair from years of experience.

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01-12-2006, 01:10 PM
Post: #12
Idle speed problem
Ok Ivan, I would see. If someone can help me I can drive to them. But I wish someone who live near by. Yeah I am plan to go to Jasper, but I am bit busy now with work. Maybe tomorrow after 13.00 hrs or night time.
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01-12-2006, 10:15 PM
Post: #13
Idle speed problem
Ok I did some experiment myself tonight, and I just playing/moving TPS. I found out the problem come from there and I got fixed a bit few time, so idle time about 1400-1500rpm when warm. I know it still high but beter than before. Anyway I drove few kilometer and back to home then switch off the engine and started back the engine and the problem (idle up/down) come back. So I played/moving the TPS again so I got the idle stay back to 1500rpm, and when I switch on the lights I got again the problem, and when I switch off the lights the idle stayed at 1500rpm again.

Its easy to get idle stayed at 2000rpm so the idle will not up and down. But its feel bad when riding. I will see what I can do in few day.
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02-11-2006, 09:33 PM
Post: #14
Idle speed problem
YEAH!!! YEAH!!! and Yahoooo!!!

I am so happy today. Started yesterday, the previous owner of my car called me on friday and tell me that he and his friend (work with toyota) have free time to look on my car. So he asked me to come today (saturday). So I was arrived at 14.20 hrs. So he straight away put my car on the bridge and open the engine bonet and try to find the idle problem. After 1 hours checked and he said the last thing to check is the pipe going to throttle ( sorry I dont know what its call) and he take it off and he found out that the pipe are stop. So he put on high pressure air and the pipe free again. So he put back and tadaaaa! the idle going as normal... he look at me and ask, why I smile... Smile Smile I am so happpy yeahhh!!!!!

Sorry if you read and said it is wasted to read, anyway I am happy and want to share with you guys Smile Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

So I hope someone who got the same problem will solve it soon as mine.

Thanks for help and suggestion from you guys!!!
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02-11-2006, 10:22 PM
Post: #15
Idle speed problem
Glad to hear your problem is solved...I still dont understand which pipe caused the problem exactly, it's the first time I've heard about that happening.

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02-11-2006, 10:39 PM
Post: #16
Idle speed problem
After checked the 4AGE manual, I found the pipe I mean. It is Water Outlet and By-Pass Pipe i think Smile
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02-12-2006, 12:17 AM
Post: #17
Idle speed problem
Hah, coolest man!

See, most often the most daunting problems turn out to have the most simple solutionSmile

Glad he found the problemSmile


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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02-12-2006, 12:25 AM
Post: #18
Idle speed problem
R these the two hoses under the throttle body?

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02-12-2006, 01:08 AM
Post: #19
Idle speed problem
Mux213: Yeah, I was so happy. It could be happened when the car 7 years never started and also the dirt come from radiator.

alimonos: Yes those 2 hoses what I mean
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02-12-2006, 01:53 AM
Post: #20
Idle speed problem
Congratulations! Thumbs up!
But I still not sure which pipe it is? Is it the upper or the lower? (or neither?)

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