Need a little help from you swedish guys....
03-05-2006, 09:23 PM
Post: #1
Need a little help from you swedish guys....

Found this turbo'd 3K KP60 for sale in Sweden, anyone who can translate it for me? It sounds quite fun to me, turbo'd 3K, open bov etc. etc. Smile

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Need a little help from you...h guys....]

"It's all about the heart, the people who focus on parts, turbo's and all that stuff...they're just losers."
-Shinji Minowa
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03-06-2006, 09:12 AM
Post: #2
Need a little help from you swedish guys....
Man there´s a lot of info there....
1,3l motor MED Turbo
*1.3 liter turbo*
urfrästa förbränningsrum för sänkt komp förhållande.
*Modified combustion chamber for lowered CR*
Laddtryck 1,3-1,5 bar ! = rör på sig...
*1.3-1.5 bar boost=it moves Smile*
Saab 9-5 Turboaggregat
*Saab 9-5 Turbo charger*
Original bottendel
*OEM Bottom-end*
Annat svänghjul (5K) så Sinterlamellen fick plats 200mm
*Different flywheel to accomodate 200mm sinter metal clutch*
*Fuel pressure regulator*
Tryckförgasare som är modifierad
*Modified pressure carburator*
Ändrad tändning
*Modified ignition*
*Intercooler Smile*
*Pressure gauge*
GROVT välbyggt avgassystem
*Very nice modified exhaust*
Volvo 240 BAKAXEL med nya bromsar, upphängd i Toyota "4-link" EJ lamelldiffad
*Volvo 240 rear end with new brakes, mounted on toyota 4-link. NO LSD*
4v original låda
*4V OEM transmission*
Lite rost finns på karossen...
*A bit of rust on shell*
OBES !!! går EJ att BES MED TURBO !!!!!
Gått 15.23s / 141km på Tullinge 2001 !! tidkort finns. med Toyota bakaxeln.
*1/4 mile at 15.23/141km/h with toyota rear end*
MYCKET rolig att köra!! torkar av betydligt Dyrare bilar med lätthet...
*Very fun car to drive, faster than more expensive cars*
X-tra motor finnes mm
*Extra engine as part of package*

My evil Red/Black Panda
My current JDM AE86 project
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03-06-2006, 03:22 PM
Post: #3
Need a little help from you swedish guys....

could it be an external wastegate or something?

Sounds fun to me, and 8000 swedish thingies, that's around 800 euro, right?

"It's all about the heart, the people who focus on parts, turbo's and all that stuff...they're just losers."
-Shinji Minowa
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03-06-2006, 03:52 PM
Post: #4
Need a little help from you swedish guys....
The Doctor Wrote:Extraktorgrenrör

could it be an external wastegate or something?

Sounds fun to me, and 8000 swedish thingies, that's around 800 euro, right?
I think it may have something to do with the downpipe....."grenrör" is an exhaust manifold.
Yes 8000 is apprx 800euro´s. Not too bad really.

My evil Red/Black Panda
My current JDM AE86 project
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