Richieu -Technical help desk
09-23-2005, 02:37 PM
Post: #11
Richieu -Technical help desk
Hi Richie,

I have a good one for you coming on sunday.
My coupe has a lot of lap welds that are starting to rust, or have rusted away quite a bit already. What's the best way to stop this where it hasnt made things crunchy yet? And what to do with the places where the rust has done it's damage....the weird thing is that it mostly rusts on one side of the lapwelds..
I have this problem around the seams of the rear panel, on my right sill, and more disturbingly behind the door at the front of the body (there is a horizontal seam there that has rusted through. I get the feeling that these lap-weld seams are the biggest design-flaw as far as rust-sensitivity is concerned.

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09-23-2005, 10:12 PM
Post: #12
Richieu -Technical help desk
Hi Ivan,
Post me some pictures and I'll be able to provide the correct solutioon to your problem.

There are several methods of dealing with this problem so its best I see befor advising

Richie Thumbs up!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Richieu -Technical help desk]
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10-03-2005, 07:14 PM
Post: #13
Richieu -Technical help desk
Irishtwincam, I'm moving your post to the sell section if you dont mind, you are on the verge of breaking forum rules but I'm sure your advert will make some people on this board very happy.

Oops, would be nice to add a linky to the new threadSmile


Bastiaan "mux213" Olij

Moved down under, no more hachi Sad
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06-17-2006, 02:01 PM
Post: #14
Richieu -Technical help desk
Hi Richie, heres a good one for you, I'm above average height 6'6" and would like to fit a fixed back bucket seat in my car. It needs to be as low as possible and quite far back, the front edge of the seat somewhere around halfway betweeen the original front and rear mountings. What would be the best way to do this? Thanks
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09-12-2006, 02:37 PM
Post: #15
Richieu -Technical help desk
Richie is one of the best AE86 boyo's i know. Bought a tailgate off him earlier this year. Very helpfull. See out on the Meirion Rich?

Bang her in 1st and make her Tramp

Toyota Corolla AE86 GT Rally Car
E30 BMW 318is Rally Car
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10-17-2006, 05:54 PM
Post: #16
Richieu -Technical help desk
Hi Garth,
Thanks for the compliments!. Hows your roller coming on then?

Wasnt able to do the Meirion due to nav not being able to get regs in early enough to get an entry.

Wait till you see what I'll be out in for 2007 anwcc championship, you'll shit when you see what it goes like!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Richieu -Technical help desk]
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10-17-2006, 09:28 PM
Post: #17
Richieu -Technical help desk
richieu!..I've missed you round these parts the last months.. how's things going?

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02-24-2007, 12:17 AM
Post: #18
Richieu -Technical help desk
Hi Ivan and all,
Sorry havent been on for a couple of months (too much work building customers cars).

Hope to be around on here a lot more now so get your questions in.

Thumbs up! Thumbs up! Thumbs up!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Richieu -Technical help desk]
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02-24-2007, 12:28 AM
Post: #19
Richieu -Technical help desk
ganbo Wrote:Hi Richie, heres a good one for you, I'm above average height 6'6" and would like to fit a fixed back bucket seat in my car. It needs to be as low as possible and quite far back, the front edge of the seat somewhere around halfway betweeen the original front and rear mountings. What would be the best way to do this? Thanks

Ok you are going to need a side mounted seat for starters (with side mounts obviously)

The easiedt way to get the seat down and as far back as you need to go is to do the following.

1. drill 2 8 or 10mm holes in each mount close to the ends of the bottom of the mount.
2. wind on a nylock nut to secure the bolts in place. the side mounts to the seat and place the seat where you feel the most comfortable. You should now have the mounts sitting with the 4 bolts on the floor.

4.if you need the seat lower you will need to drill holes in the side mounts to get the seat as low as possible in the mounts.

5. once the seat is in the ideal position mark the bolts positions and drill through the floor (check for obstructions like fuel and brake lines before drilling)

6. before pushing the bolts through place the largest washers you can find to help spread the load.

7. place the same type of washers underneath and bolt them up.

8. You might need to pack the bolts with washers to level the seat once bolted.

Hope this helps if not let me know and I'll take you to plan B! (requires welding)

Thumbs up!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Richieu -Technical help desk]
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03-20-2007, 04:35 PM
Post: #20
Richieu -Technical help desk
Hey Richie

I need the Richieu Technical Help Desk to tell me how to contact you mate!

Tried your phone loads of times but always on answerphone... Remember you said you were going to box my Supra wheels up for me in pairs so I could get them couriered?

PM me or give me a call mate!


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