Starter problems
04-16-2005, 08:47 PM
Post: #1
Starter problems
Tried to start her up today, nothing. Changed battery, all the dash lights go on and everything but it just clicks, doesn't even runt the starter engine. Crying
I know the battery is fresh.

Any ideas? Dumb question
Don't tell me i have to change the starter engine now as well...

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - Starter problems]
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04-16-2005, 09:33 PM
Post: #2
Starter problems

*Dubbelkolla anslutningarna mot batteriet, det är väldigt vanligt att lite skit eller liknande begränsar effektuttaget tillräckligt för att solenoiden inte skall slå till ordentligt.
*Lyssna på solenoiden, ett svagt klick är antingen dålig kontakt eller en defekt solenoid, ibland kan det dock vara så att solenoiden hänger sig.
*I nödfall kan du kolla startmotorn genom att "tjuvkoppla" den, dvs koppla dig förbi solenoiden. Jag vet inte hur det ser ut på en ae86:a, men på en gammal volvo kan man lägga en skjuvmejsel mellan polerna.


Hope that helps.......
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04-16-2005, 09:38 PM
Post: #3
Starter problems
i had the same problem, it clicks, and it clicks but u can't hear or feal anything else.

the problem was solved by putting in a new starter (an old one, not so €€)


AE86 wannebe driver
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04-16-2005, 09:43 PM
Post: #4
Starter problems
Thanks for the help guys,

PDE: I double checked the battery connections, didn't help... Even tried with start cables from another battery, same thing.

Anyone know if a Starter from a AE92 4-AGE is the same?

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04-16-2005, 09:58 PM
Post: #5
Starter problems
Looks to be the same starter.

i just checked on my AE92GTi

I´m sorry sir, your planet has been sceduled for destruction
in favor of an intergalactic highway -Thank you

Kristian Hesselmark, Sweden
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04-16-2005, 10:03 PM
Post: #6
Starter problems
Thanks for the help, Kristian! Smile

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04-16-2005, 10:11 PM
Post: #7
Starter problems
The starters are different, the later AE92 one is a gear reduction one, meaning it spins faster and starts the engine quicker. The fit the '86 ok but i had to remove the heat shield from the starter to get it in, it apparently is a little sensitive to exact mounting position, but i got it working first try so i'm not sure how true that is. I have a new one waiting on my shelves ready if i ever need one.

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04-16-2005, 10:58 PM
Post: #8
Starter problems
First: Check the starter wire
Second: If it seems connected ok, try and directly connect a wire from the battery to the starter and see if it starts.
Third: while trying to start, hit the starter with a FBH (Fucking Big Hammer). Might wan't to use something to reach in there thoug, like a piece of pipe or wood.
If that fails, then pull it out and open her up. I had the same problem a thousand times before. Usually its the starter wire or something similar. When we first got the car we couldn't fix it the usual way, so we pulled the starter and opened it up. It was pretty obvious that the bearings and crushcollars had failed on the starter, preventing it from turning. All it took was 5 euro's at a dynamo revision company and she's as good as gold.
Not bad for a couple of rookies.

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04-17-2005, 01:29 AM
Post: #9
Starter problems
I had the same (recurring) problem for a bit.
Solved temporarily by just switching the key from power to start again and again in rapid succession. After 10-20 tries, it worked itself loose (or whatever) and the car started up.
If that fails, follow Ivan's advice and smack it with something hard.

I got mine swapped for a new one since I really really want it to *just work*.

Peugeot 206 1.6 XT - 09/2003
Toyota Corolla GT Coupé - 09/1984
Yonzie - 09/1980
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04-17-2005, 01:50 AM
Post: #10
Starter problems
Thanks for all the help, guys!

I tried hitting the starter.. didn't work eather...

How much is a fresh starter in .dk?

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