finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
01-13-2008, 01:19 PM
Post: #1
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
okey,this had to be finished allready in 2006....this was my first driftcar,its a fine car BUT,first engine was a 4age 16v(155bhp)second engine was a 4age 20v(170bhp)and this is hard to compete in the driftseries,so im going for the 350bhp tuned nissan engine....

after standing outside in the rain for to long now,i must have this done for the 2008 driftseries,for sure the king of europe series and maybe also for the benelux series.

car:1983 corolla ae86
rear axle:hyundai h100,modified wheelstuds
custum driveshaft
more specs wil follow Thumbs up!
first a lot of pics

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
and this is how it ended Smile
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

this was my old driftcar,think most people know the car Tongue but now its ''rolla'' time

the making of:
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
and when the hood is one will know Evil
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

sr86 completed!!........漂うことのマスター!!!!
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01-13-2008, 09:12 PM
Post: #2
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
Thumbs up!

I still find it a miracle to see what fits under the hood of a hachi. Tongue

1983 - AE86 Sprinter Trueno - import project
2013 - Honda Civic sport - daily driver
2004 - AEU86 dot ORG - daily domain

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[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
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01-14-2008, 10:38 AM
Post: #3
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
Can't wait to see it in the hungarian KOE rounds Thumbs up! - closed

2006 Toyota Corolla Verso 2.2 D4-D
1992 JDM Nissan Silvia PS13 RB26DETT powered
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03-02-2008, 09:43 PM
Post: #4
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
Eric is wiping dust from this topic and wondering if there is any progress... Smile
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04-16-2008, 11:05 PM
Post: #5
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
zo,zelfs op zondag hard aan t werk :lol:

onderstel en aandrijflijn zijn zo goed als klaar nu
stuurstangen veranderd
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
meer caster
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
en het resultaat mag er zijn Smile

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

after Hurray!
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
wel genoeg zo??
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
er is wel ruimte voor meer
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

spacers voormeer ruimte bij het schutbord voor de motor
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
aandrijf as nog effe netjes gespoten
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

verder heb ik nog een versteviging gemaakt tussen de tension rods,tevens een carterpan beschermer,en een mooie stok om mn lier aan te binden :lol:
bussen gemaakt:
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
buisje buigen:
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
alles op maat en vast gehecht:
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
en mooi spuiten:
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
en hoppaaah,een cusco look-a-like stok:
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

straks deze "auw" nog een beetje netjes maken
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

en dan kunnen we weer lekker dwars eerdaags :cheer

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

sr86 completed!!........漂うことのマスター!!!!
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04-16-2008, 11:09 PM
Post: #6
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
even my car transporter is pretty cool now

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

now back to the hachi Thumbs up!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

sr86 completed!!........漂うことのマスター!!!!
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04-16-2008, 11:16 PM
Post: #7
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
this is the headgasket from my ''blown'' engine

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

realy fucked
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

the head is not badly damaged

now i have a fresh rebuild engine with steel headgasket and arp bolts everywere
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
fidanza flywheel
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
stage 3 clutch
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
and the engine is ready to run!
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

little test startup Thumbs up!

the hole in the firewall had to go
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

sr86 completed!!........漂うことのマスター!!!!
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04-16-2008, 11:21 PM
Post: #8
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
so some work is done

closing the ''old'' distributor hole

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
this bump had to go also
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
and black paint
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
new tow hook and re inforsement
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
and putting the engine back in the car
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
its in!!
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

sr86 completed!!........漂うことのマスター!!!!
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04-16-2008, 11:29 PM
Post: #9
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
today i made a new front in my car,the old one had to go because of the BIG radiator and fmic etc,i need some room! Tongue


so lets saw the damn thing into pieces
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

then making the new one

@rvs PiMpness
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
and it fits perfect! i dont like any cooling problems,so i wat a big radiator,all coolers fit perfect
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]
and the hood still closes
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

and if you don't know,you won't see a thing
[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]\

KOE here we come!!!

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - finally!!! my 2008 driftcar]

sr86 completed!!........漂うことのマスター!!!!
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04-17-2008, 12:17 AM
Post: #10
finally!!! my 2008 driftcar
geweldig jap! je had alleen misschien die lamp gedeeltes iets netter kunnen verwijderen kosten toch nieuw bij toyota nog 60 euro voor dat kut stukkie plaat werk Tongue

Ongeloofelijk netjes. Ga je de grill ook nog terug plaatsen of niet?

"99 Lexus IS200
"86 AE86 Kouki Panda Levin GT-Apex (restore project)
"84 AE86 Zenki Blue Levin (project racer)
"02 Yamaha R1
"02 Honda Hornet S
"08 BMW R1200GS
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