7AGE - How i did it!
04-04-2005, 10:04 PM
Post: #1
7AGE - How i did it!

The project started when I wanted a way to find more torque from the 4age engine. So when drifting through transitions and reducing–radius bends off power, it will be easier to continue the drift when you come back on power. 4AGE is very peaky, when you drop out of the power it is almost impossible to recontinue drift unless you have time to rev and then clutch dump, but sometimes it is too late by then and is not very smooth.

Because I am a student I have a limited budget!! No money, want torque = 7AGE

Additional info this is into a 1986 AE86 UK spec, no special tools required (usual socket set and ring spanners etc) except engine crane, which I hired from my local hire shop.
I worked on my driveway, as I don’t have a garage and completed the swap in two days this was working very hard though I recommend taking your own time and making sure everything is correct.

Parts required:

Parts Cost
4AGE engine (you should have one of these!)
late 7AFE engine with metal head gasket (low mileage import from Japan are now easily available, mine still had original honing marks in the cylinder bores and was in very good condition) (from an Avensis I think) 300
Brown injectors from 1985 Celica GT (3SGE engine) 50
Adjustable cam pulleys (piper cams) 150
Timing belt (Porsche 944 1986) there are two belts listed the one required is the timing belt not the countershaft belt 11
212mm clutch AE92 corolla GTI 1992 100
3/4inch water hose about 5cm Cheap

It is good to have a manual with you for torque settings and detailed information on the individual jobs you will undertake.

Stage one – remove 4age

Work methodically around the engine removing bolts and wires,
label anything you don’t know or may confuse you if you forget.

Return removed bolts to their holes (this is because some bolts are made to be tightened up harder than others which just snap! I learnt the hard way so you don’t have to! More on this later)

Remove radiator for space

It is the lower 17mm nut on the engine mount, which needs to be removed (the hidden one which is awkward to access) this needs to be undone not the top one!

I removed the sandwich plate behind the oil filter because it is easier to access than the oil line (to the oil cooler) and is the same as the one on 7AFE wrap in a plastic bag and check the seal has not fallen off the back.

Cable tie the wiring looms and oil cooler pipes out of the way in the engine bay

Lift out engine using the hooks on the top and an engine crane

Stage 2 – building 7AGE

Again work methodically around the engine finishing each area properly so you don’t forget anything

Strip down 4age engine you need everything apart from the block

Leave intake manifold connected to the head, camshafts must be removed to access head bolts, take care to note the loosening pattern and orientation of camshaft bearing caps – see manual

When removing the head remember to loosen the bolts in the correct pattern – see manual

When removing parts especially the engine mounts take care to return the nuts and bolts to their holes so you know which are used for what and what holes on the block are utilised (more on this later)

Use two nuts locked against each other to remove studs then return them finger tight to their original holes.

Strip down 7AFE engine only, the bottom end is required so remove all other mounts, timing gear etc

When removing the head remember to loosen the bolts in the correct pattern and leave them in the head in their original positions so you can make sure the same ones go back in the same holes later on

Take care with the head gasket it should be a nice 2 layer metal one (if it isn’t order this from Toyota)

Clean head and block mating surfaces I used some emery paper and a Hoover to Hoover out all the dust created!! Clean the head gasket

Bolt 4AGE head on to 7AFE block using the original 7AFE head bolts, each back to their original positions. use correct tightening pattern first all to 29nm then each through a further 90 degrees then all again through a further 90dgrees, see manual

Return camshafts and tighten camshaft bearing caps in the correct order facing the correct way (they are each labelled on the top with an arrow and number like E1 which stands for exhaust side first bearing cap (the closest to the cam pulley) E2, E3, I1, I2, I for inlet side etc)
You may need to clean them to see the markings add some engine oil to all the bearing surfaces before tightening the bearing caps. Return cam covers, bearing caps and cam covers to 13nm

Transfer the water pump and all its pipe work it should all come off 4AGE as one piece with three 12mm (15nm) bolts on the front of the block, use the seal from the 7AFE pump as it is probably a bit newer, clean the mating faces. The pipe support bracket on the side of the engine block cannot be used I just left it as it seemed secure enough you could make a simple bracket to hold it.

The water pump to head pipe needs to be extended, just cut it in half put the 3/4inch hose over, you only need about 5cm and clamp with two jubilee clips.

Fit adjustable timing pulleys, firstly mark them against the original pullys for the original timing marks. make marks on the new pulleys by drilling a shallow 3mm hole where the timing mark should be (the same place and fashion as on the original 4AGE ones (the small indent on the rim) check the right one is on the right side as they are different see manual for orientation
Fit the lower timing belt pulley from the 4AGE engine to the crankshaft

Line all the timing marks up then fit Porsche 944 timing belt, re adjust the tensioner to take up the slack

The lower timing belt cover from 4AGE needs to be modified to fit, look at it from the back there will be a second outer circle around the hole for the crankshaft just file it out to this outer hole and it will fit nicely

You will notice the camshaft pulley timing marks do no line up correctly when the lower pulley mark is lined up. Use the adjustment on the cam pulleys to retard each camshaft by approximately 3-4 degrees to so it all lines up nicely

The middle timing belt cover will no longer fit

On to the back of the engine

Remove 4AGE flywheel and bell housing backing plate, clean the backing plate and transfer it to the 7A block (9nm)

Bolt on the 7AFE flywheel using the correct bolt pattern (74nm)

Bolt on your new 212mm clutch (a nice little upgrade) (19nm)

On to the left hand side

Check which holes are used by looking at the 4AGE block:
Run through these with a thread tap!!! If you don’t what will happen to me will happen to you! I used a different bolt, which just sheared off in my block because it was not intended for that much torque and the thread was too stiff!! Long!

Transfer all the studs and fit the engine mount and alternator bracket, the lower gearbox mounts can no longer be used as they don’t line up chuck them away.

The intake manifold support needs to be extended I did this by making a simple extension bracket at the top

You might as well fit alternator and belt

The right-hand side

Check which holes are used by looking at the 4AGE block:
Run through these with a thread tap!!! If you don’t what will happen to me will happen to you! I used a different bolt, which just sheared off in my block because it was not intended for that much torque and the thread was too stiff!! Long!

Transfer all the studs and fit the engine mount, the lower gearbox mounts can no longer be used as they don’t line up chuck them away. Fit the block earth lead and starter motor loom clip which should have come off with the engine mount from 4AGE

Remove the oil filter sandwich plate

You might as well fit the starter motor


Change injectors take care not to damage the fragile seals, in fact you should replace upper and lower seals as they are probably very worn out! When I replaced my injector lower seals I thought the guy gave me the wrong part it looked so different to the deformed old thing I took out!

A tab must be cut off the Celica injectors try one on a injector plug and you will see which tab needs cutting use a sharp knife then the plug will fit like normal

Stage 3 – return engine

Drop it back in you will have to wiggle it around to get it on the lay shaft from the gearbox jack the gearbox up this helps

Refit all bolt and wires work methodically around the engine and make sure everything is done before moving to the next area

Fit the oil cooler sandwich plate which you wrapped in plastic and a new oil filter

Check the oil line up the distributor (see manual)

Fire it up! Set the ignition timing I found the original marks on the lower timing cover not to line up it shows about 3 degrees too much advance so take this into account when you set the timing (again i learnt the hard way experiencing detonation after 7000RPM !)

Experience a 4age with a killer torque band, the rear tyres have no chance!!! I was a very happy bunny indeed Thumbs up!

ps it doesnt like being reved over 7k and power drops off at about 6700 so this is where i have set my shift light, it pulls hard untill then.

If anyone has any questions or queries post them and I will try and edit this post to incorporate the answers!

after 300+ miles now the engine hasnt blown up so im pretty chuffed, and after much testing against a close friend last night i can safley say the engine has lost no pace despite the reduced redline and changing gear early, (this was a fear of mine because there is normally always a trade off) the new torque band just pulls it through the gears, i never thought id say this but torque really is very exciting too on the street adding a whole new dimension to the corolla!

calculations for compression ratio:

compression ratio = swept volume + clearance volume / clearance volume

clearance volume = head gasket thickness + piston to block deck clearance + combution chamber volume + dish in piston

swept volume = cross sectional area of bore x stroke - dish in piston

values for 7AGE

head gasket thickness 0.266mm (when compressed) (based on when a 0.8 3 layer TRD metal headgasket is compressed it becomes 0.4mm (taken from club4ag.com)
so 2/3 of this value is taken (because this was a two layer metal head gasket)

piston to clyinder deck clearance on 7AFE block 0.3mm (taken from club4ag.com)

combustion chamber volume for 4AGE head 39cc (taken from club4ag.com)

dish in piston 73mm diameter with 3mm depth (aproximate value i would apreciate a more acurate measurment)

bore and stroke = 81 and 85.5mm

so clearance volume = (values changed to cm for continuity)

= head gasket thickness + piston to block deck clearance + combution chamber volume + dish in piston

= [ pi 8.1 ^2 / 4 x 0.0266 ] + [ pi 8.1 ^2 / 4 x 0.03 ] + [ 39 ] +[ pi 7.3 ^2 / 4 x 0.3 ]

= 1.3707 + 1.5459 + 39 + 12.5562

= 54.4728

swept volume = cross sectional area of bore x stroke - dish in piston

= pi 8.1 ^2 /4 x 8.55 - 12.5562

= 428.025


compression ratio = swept volume + clearance volume / clearance volume

= 428.025 + 54.4728 / 54.4728

= 8.86

so as my head has been skimmed (but i dont know to what thickness)

i would guess the compression ratio to be around 9:1

ps values used were mainly found on club 4age and cannot be varified i have tried to be acurate please point out any mistakes you find in my working!

conclusion extra head skimming or late small port pistons would improve the compression ratio and power output


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Run Free and take a Goodline

Patchwork AE86 from 4AGE to 7AGE to 4AGZE and now 4AGEU20v
suzuki cappuccino
mondeo TD
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04-04-2005, 10:18 PM
Post: #2
7AGE - How i did it!
Great work! Thumbs up!
What compression ratio do you think you are running? Did you measure it? Huh
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04-04-2005, 10:23 PM
Post: #3
7AGE - How i did it!
OMG! Huh What a writeup! Respect! Thumbs up! Respect! Thumbs up!

How much do you think the "new" engine puts out?

I wanna see pics!!

Best Regards,

[Image: AEU86 AE86 - 7AGE - How i did it!]
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04-04-2005, 10:49 PM
Post: #4
7AGE - How i did it!
Widar Wrote:OMG! Huh What a writeup! Respect! Thumbs up! Respect! Thumbs up!

How much do you think the "new" engine puts out?

I wanna see pics!!

Best Regards,
Indeed... Read it with great anxiety, but no pics unfortunately. Undecided

Great writeup! Thumbs up!
Can we put it in the How-to section? Dumb question

1983 - AE86 Sprinter Trueno - import project
2013 - Honda Civic sport - daily driver
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04-04-2005, 11:43 PM
Post: #5
7AGE - How i did it!
thanks guys i will try and edit with pictures soon outwardly the engine looke identical only a trained eye would know the difference!

power - i can only check this by racing a close friend tonight but torque is probably close to a 20% gain it is phenomenal

compression ratio i can give you an exact figure soon, it is roughly 10.1

feel free to include it in the how too section!

Run Free and take a Goodline

Patchwork AE86 from 4AGE to 7AGE to 4AGZE and now 4AGEU20v
suzuki cappuccino
mondeo TD
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04-05-2005, 09:57 AM
Post: #6
7AGE - How i did it!
H7ERO Wrote:thanks guys i will try and edit with pictures soon outwardly the engine looke identical only a trained eye would know the difference!

power - i can only check this by racing a close friend tonight but torque is probably close to a 20% gain it is phenomenal

compression ratio i can give you an exact figure soon, it is roughly 10.1

feel free to include it in the how too section!
I'll wait for the pics then. Smile

1983 - AE86 Sprinter Trueno - import project
2013 - Honda Civic sport - daily driver
2004 - AEU86 dot ORG - daily domain

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04-06-2005, 02:34 PM
Post: #7
7AGE - How i did it!
after 300+ miles now the engine hasnt blown up so im pretty chuffed, and after much testing against a close friend last night i can safley say the engine has lost no pace despite the reduced redline and changing gear early, (this was a fear of mine because there is normally always a trade off) the new torque band just pulls it through the gears, i never thought id say this but torque really is very exciting too on the street adding a whole new dimension to the corolla!

Run Free and take a Goodline

Patchwork AE86 from 4AGE to 7AGE to 4AGZE and now 4AGEU20v
suzuki cappuccino
mondeo TD
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04-07-2005, 08:36 PM
Post: #8
7AGE - How i did it!
updated with pics and CR calcs

Run Free and take a Goodline

Patchwork AE86 from 4AGE to 7AGE to 4AGZE and now 4AGEU20v
suzuki cappuccino
mondeo TD
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04-07-2005, 09:05 PM
Post: #9
7AGE - How i did it!
Thanks H7ERO, very interesting. I have a spare skimmed head lying around and all the bits, just need to find a 7AFE to put them on.

Might be an interesting engine to have around. Pity about loosing the revs though, one of the joys of the 4age is hearing it scream at 7k+ rpm.

There is a chance i'll be in London soon(ish), i know it's not a small place but it would be cool to meet and feel the torque Smile

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04-07-2005, 09:12 PM
Post: #10
7AGE - How i did it!
hi jon

yep if you are coming to london and want to test it feel free to contact me
the loss of revs may seem a shame but i can asure you the new sound and surge of torque more than makes up for it Thumbs up!

ps toyota celica breakers in devon sent me this low milage 7AFE for 350 including delivery it was in very good condition with honing marks all the way down the bores and all seals still fresh from the factory

Run Free and take a Goodline

Patchwork AE86 from 4AGE to 7AGE to 4AGZE and now 4AGEU20v
suzuki cappuccino
mondeo TD
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